Sunday, December 12, 2010

'Tis the Season

"Only 12 more days till Christmas, my book-hat is extra appropriate this time of year! Everyone should have one!"
Haley's Christmas tree - in the cemetery. We had a bit of a snafu with the headstone, so we are in the process of ordering a new one from a different company. In the meantime, the foundation makes a good spot for her Christmas tree! After Christmas we'll plant this little blue spruce by our house, and think of Haley-Bug every time we look at it.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Just sitting in the Kroger parking lot, guarding Dad's deer head

So since I've been such a negligent blogger, I'm just going to do a quick recap of recent events to catch myself up!

September 10th, 2010 - Haley Bug's 1st birthday and her 1st birthday cake! I know I blogged on her birthday, but I wanted to put up a picture of her pretty pink cake which was most delicious. I can't honestly say that I can imagine Haley 'digging in' to the cake and making a huge mess, she was a pretty neat baby and not overly fond of her two or three ventures into cereal land. But probably she would've changed a lot in the intervening 6.5 months and would've been up for cake smeared all over her face! Regardless, it would've been adorable and I can't imagine anyone not liking frosting! (Especially pink frosting!)
November 6th, 2010 - Poppy shot a big buck (with his new crossbow) after only 1.5 hours in the woods! He's a 10 point buck with 2 stickers (or a 12 point atypical buck) and really he's a beauty. He's off at the butcher's now, and our freezer is anxiously awaiting venison roasts and tenderloin. Which brings us to the title of my blog post today: After dropping the deer off at the butcher's (you have to bring the body to the butchers with the head attached so they know you're not poaching), Dad had the deer head and thus attached rack in the back of his truck. We had to swing by Kroger's to pick up lunch meat and Dad wanted me to stay in the truck so nobody would steal the rack out of the back. So while I'm sitting in the car I decided to call Chad, who asked me what I was doing, to which I replied "Oh, just sitting in the Kroger parking lot, guarding Dad's deer head." Chad thought this was hilarious, and I guess in retrospect it isn't a typical lunchtime activity.
Another buck picture, but with the proud hunter this time.
November 6th, 2010 - Mom's birthday was this Monday (November 8th) but we celebrated on Saturday when Kelly, Jesse, and Grandma McMillan could all come down. I made a carrot cake at Mom's request (there are pecans in the frosting, it is not frosted with mashed red skin potatoes like it looks like in the picture!), and it was quite tasty if I do say so myself. We also had BBQ ribs, mashed red skin potatoes, green beans, asparagus, and Grands biscuits for birthday dinner. All in all it was a really fun and relaxing weekend. Hopefully Mom thought so too!
The birthday girl with her pile of presents! Happy Birthday Mom (& Grandma!)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Annual Congenital Heart Walk

Team Haley's Comets after the 5k walk this past Sunday, October 24, 2010!
Pictured above from left to right: Front row: Emrie Dickerson, Tobie, Christopher, and Jonathon Wolfe, Me, Jess Steinbrink. Back row: Greg, Heather, and Henry Dickerson, Beth Picklesimer, Cindy Musser, Katy Klingelhafer, Greg Gallenstein, Sydney Waugh, Chadmo, and Tom Steinbrink. (Missing from the picture because they were straggling behind socializing ;) - Mom & Poppy and Miss Libby Carstensen.)

There were over 600 walkers at the first CHD walk and there were over $40,000 raised for CHD research! More than $2,000 were raised by our team - go Haley's Comets! The temperature on Sunday was great for walking, though it was a little over cast but at least it didn't rain. We are so appreciative of all our friends and family who came out and walked with us and who made donations to our team from afar, it really means a lot to us that everyone still loves our Haley-Bug so much that they support this cause in her honor. Thank you all!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Haley-Bug!

Haley Stevelt-Mitchell, Born at 7:50 am 9-10-09, 6 pounds even, 18.5 inches long ~ our hearts were stolen instantly

Daddy got to hold her first - no fair! ;)

I can't believe it's already been a year since you were born, and at the same time it seems like you were here much longer than that.

We miss you every second of every minute of every hour of every day Haley-Bug. We love you more than anything in the world and would give anything to have you here with us right now. We've made you a birthday dinner and I can't help but wonder, would you like lasagna? I bet you would like birthday cake - it's chocolate cake with 7-minute frosting that we're going to dye pink just for you. We have flowers we're going to take down to your grave tonight and we're going to release 1 balloon for your 1st birthday. But there are no presents wrapped in pink paper here, and there is no 'happy' here, because you are not here. I know you are not sad, and I know you wouldn't want us to be sad, but we are - only because we love you so much there is no other way for us to be. This day last year was the happiest day of my life, besides maybe October 5th - the day we got to take you home from the hospital. And while I'm sad, sad, sad today, I am and always will be eternally grateful for the miracle that was you and the time we got to spend with you. We love you bunches and bunches, Haley-Bug. Happy 1st Birthday, I hope you're spending the day eating cake with Grandpa McMillan. <3

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Trying to make lemonade

"Hmm, I'm pretty sure I can figure out some way to get those butterflies down here and into my mouth if I just think hard enough about it!"

For the last few weeks I've been thinking: "If you can't write anything nice, then don't write anything at all." I thought back to vet school and how when I made a concerted effort to look on the bright side of things (I only have 1 hour of homework left!) as opposed to always seeing the dark and gloomy side of things (I have a whole other hour of homework left...) it actually made me feel more positive and upbeat. I changed my attitude and my mood changed with it. So I thought to myself that I should try that now. Instead, I have realized that if I'm only allowed to write about cheerful, pleasant, or optimistic things, that I have nothing to say.

I won't be so melodramatic as to say "Life couldn't be any worse", trust me, it could always get worse. In fact, I'm pretty sure life is trying to prove this theory to me right now by piling on one bad thing after another. Haley is gone. My vacation was ruined by a kidney stone (I know this shouldn't even rank in the list, but I really needed that vacation and having it stolen away did some strange mental damage.) My Grandma McMillan's ovarian cancer is back. I'm not ovulating and apparently haven't been, even in spite of the last two months on Clomid. I feel like life is throwing lemons at me as fast as it possibly can, and all that I'm coming to learn from it is that my lemonade making skills are definitely sub-par.

Currently I feel like I am drowning in despair and that I desperately need something GOOD to happen in life again. It seems like by the laws of karma that we should be due for some good, even if it's just something teeny tiny. But more bad just keeps showing up. So currently I am distracting myself by fundraising for the first annual Congenital Heart Disease Walkathon - in honor of our Haley-Bug. It's October 24th in Hilliard, Ohio, and I'm already planning our team t-shirts. We'd love to have you join us. :) But my heart aches at the thought that by that time our little Bug would have been a year and 1.5 months old, and that she probably would've been able to toddle around at the Walkathon with us. Some days I still just really can't believe this is real, I think to myself "This just can't be permanent." I find myself thinking I will see her soon, because I cannot fathom living in a world without her for the rest of my life.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not crying my way through breakfast, lunch, and dinner, crying in my sleep, crying while I walk, and crying while I read anymore. Who knew you could cry while you did surgery? Or while you drive? You can. It's not easy, but you can. And what good would it have done to just sit around and cry? I wasn't going to let those tears win. And sure, I still cry here and there, but there hasn't been anymore impressive displays of crying for hours straight. So I'll take that as a sign of improvement (or at least deficient tear production), and I will keep working at improving. Here's to another month of acupuncture, increased Clomid doses, blood draws on cycle day 21ish, and ovulation prediction kits. Maybe this month we'll get lucky...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

No words

If your spouse dies, they call you a widow. And if your parents die, they call you an orphan. But when your child dies, there are no words for that. So what are we? Certainly I am still a parent, but when people ask me if I have children, an awkward pause inevitably follows. I cannot dismiss the amazingness that was and is Haley-Bug by saying "No", but saying "Yes" also feels like lying. Instinctively I would respond yes, but the pause is due to that moment of indecision when I'm trying to decide if I feel like lying or going to the effort of explaining. Sometimes it's just easier to pretend - pretend I'm just a normal parent with a beautiful little girl at home. And I think the reason there is no word for this state of complete tragedy is because it goes so completely against nature - you're supposed to outlive your parents, one spouse will most likely live longer than the other, but children should not die before their parents do. What we are goes against nature, we are unnatural. Somehow I think it would help if there was a word for it, it is worrisome to wonder "What am I?" and have no responding answer.

I've started acupuncture this week for a variety of reasons - stress, anxiety, depression, lethargy, irritability, and of course fertility - I really enjoyed my session on Wednesday (I've been before a couple of years ago for stress and really thought it helped) and am looking forward to going back weekly for the next 5 weeks and then bimonthly after that. It makes me feel hopeful and proactive about my future. As someone who has been a lifelong avid hater of needles, I don't even think it hurts and in fact feel that quite to the contrary it makes me feel physically and mentally so much better. I've also been making a real effort to get more exercise, mostly walking with the dogs, and I think that makes me feel better too, or at least it gives me a goal to work towards again. So here's hoping that between the two my perspective can change and start to look a little rosier.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


An 'old' favorite: Haley-Bug fresh out of the bath tub and snuggling in my arms. I can smell her freshly washed hair and all that lovely pink baby lotion. I can feel the way her cheeks felt when I kissed them. My arms can feel her weight and know just how she likes to be snuggled. I can hear those sweet baby noises she made in her sleep. My heart feels more incredible than it ever did before she was born, even though now she is lost. There is no love, no feeling in the world, like the way a mother loves her baby. I love you Haley-Bug. Always and forever.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Oh, Kidney stone

I look at these pictures and they make me sad. They make me sad because I no longer feel like I'm the same person you see in these pictures. The person you see there is happy, and more importantly she is hopeful. Hopeful that there are good and happy things to come in life. Hopeful that even if life might be stressful right now (vet school, wedding planning, complicated pregnancy, sick baby, etc) that all the stress will pay off and create happiness in the long run. Deep down, that girl is happy. Even with a sick Haley-roo, she was hopeful. Deep down in her heart of souls, that girl hoped and believed that her baby would be okay. I am not that girl anymore. The moment nurse Stacy gave me a look I hope to never see again, a look of such heart-wrenching pity it makes me cry even to remember it, and at that moment I knew there was no reason to hope anymore. I am not hopeful anymore. I am not happy. I am angry. I am very, very angry, and I am very, very, very sad. And now, on top of everything else terrible in life that has come our way, and this seems like a funny straw to have broken the camel's back, but it did all the same: we went on vacation to the outer banks this past week, a vacation I felt I desperately needed. I was feeling frustrated at work and like I just needed a mental break. But on our way down to Duck, we were staying the night in Newport News when I started having a terrible pain in my right sign. This pain got worse and worse, till honestly giving birth was a lesser pain than this. A few hours in the emergency room later and wah-lah: a kidney stone. So I was sent on my way with a lot of vicodin and a strainer to look for a stone. I spent my week of vacation sleeping 21 hours a day. It wasn't until the Friday before we left that I felt well enough that I got to go into the ocean that once. Saturday it stormed and Sunday we left for Ohio.

I am irrationally furious that on top of everything else in our life that sucks, my vacation was also ruined. I really, really needed that. As whiny as it sounds, it's just not fair. That vacation was going to be hard enough as it was, because the whole thing was really planned for Haley-Bug, it would've been a very baby friendly vacation and I think she would've loved the beach. So as sad as it was to pack to go there without her, and as sad as it was to be there without her, and as horrible as it is to live without her - couldn't I have just had this one week go okay otherwise so I could try to regenerate my soul? No.

In the Twilight book series, Bella talks about wrapping her arms around her chest tightly to try to keep her chest together when she feels like there's a giant aching hole in it. For me it more feels like someone is standing behind me and has wrapped their arms around me and dug their fingers into either side of my sternum and trying to literally rip my rib cage apart. I feel like if I don't do something different of make some change immediately that in one minute I will explode. That my chest will be wrenched open and I will die. But then a minute passes, and here I still am. Feeling the same way. I know it's not exactly as the author described the way Bella was feeling, but I know what she meant. And it's terrible. I need a change. I need something good to happen again. Or at least I need a change of scenery. I'm off to Wooster tomorrow for some quality time with my Grandma, I'm hoping I'll come home feeling a little more together.

Friday, July 9, 2010

I think smells trigger the strongest memories

Haley-Bug snuggled in her favorite blanket, being rocked by Daddy in our most amazing rocking chair that we got just for our little Bug who loved to be rocked more than anything. (Well, eventually being walked surpassed being rocked!) She liked it when Daddy wore his pink shirt all the time, it's sort of his 'I-have-an-adorable-pink-baby-girl Pride' shirt! :)
I remember the weight of her in my arms, snoozing while I rocked her, perfectly. And right now I can remember her amazing baby lotion, dreft, and indescribable baby smell so well that it's impossible to believe she's not right here. I've held many other babies since last I held Haley, and only cousin Ryan has even come close to smelling like her. He was close enough I think I could've just stood around, closed my eyes, and smelled him all day - but he might've gotten a little creeped out with that! For awhile Haley's one blanket still smelled like her. I folded it up carefully with the best smelling part inside, and once in awhile when I really needed it I could go bury my face in that smell. Only inhaling mind you, never exhaling on that precious blanket. But much to my dismay it did not last. Now I can only smell her in my mind, but it's amazing how real it is. I think the only other smell I have that's that distinct in my mind is the smell of airbags after they've gone off (can you tell I've been in a couple car wrecks?) And as acrid and distinct as that smell is in my brain, as vivid of memories it brings up and how the smell of it comes to be randomly or I might smell it when we drive by an accident and it makes my heart race, I can't just make it magically appear when I want to. (Though I don't know why I'd want to...) But Haley, Haley I can smell anytime I want to if I just think about it hard enough. I love it, I love that I can do that, and it terrifies me that with time I might lose that ability. I don't want to forget a single second of Haley or of my life with Haley, and I pray to God that I don't ever lose that smell. But that airbag smell hangs in there, even though it's been 5+ years, so I hope that the much better, longer exposure, infinitely more craved smell of Haley will last for at least the next 50 years. And hopefully it's always available on demand. It's crazy what you can cling to when you have to.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Posting on a Thursday again, shame on me

Grandpoppy tickling Haley-Bug and Haley-Bug really checking out Grandpoppy! I'm pretty sure she was talking to him in this picture. :)
Sorry for the late post again, at this point I thought I should just plan on blogging on Thursdays, but then the next thing you know I won't post till Friday. So it's probably best just to stick to thinking I'll do it Wednesdays and then be guilted into doing by Thursday at the latest! Wednesdays are my afternoons off, so you'd think I'd have more time those days but somehow I never seem to. Or, to be honest, sometimes I don't feel up to going through pictures. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE all the pictures and don't know what I'd do without them, I only wish I had a million more of them. And somedays it's just plain hard to scroll through all those happy memories and moments. Other days it's all I want to do and I can spend hours looking at pictures and watching videos of my sweet little Bug. I have videos with her hiccupping, fussing, talking, and lots that are just of her being cute - and while they're heartbreaking to watch, I sincerely don't know how I'd survive without them. Somedays I just have to hear her voice again. Even though I can still recall it exactly in my mind, I just need to hear it out loud again. Or like when Mom came over the other day and she just had to hear the little song Haley's play gym played. We spent so many hours listening to that little tune, it's hard to believe I've only heard it a couple of times in the last 4 months.

I will confess now that I didn't write much last week because I was feeling pretty devastated. After being 4.5 days late, my period showed up that night and crushed our hopes of being pregnant for another month. Day 1 of a new month is just so frustrating and sad; it's the loss of hope for a few more weeks at least, disappointment in myself, feeling like time is wasting away - like we're standing still even though the world seems to move around us, and incredible impatience. Not to mention the intense sadness that there is not a Bebe #2 for us to start looking forward to yet. All the horror stories of people who never manage to get pregnant again ever, or who spend years and years trying before they succeed, rush through my mind each new month and no matter how I try to keep them out they worm their way back in.

So here we are, in another new month, with the hope slowly creeping back in though I always try hard not to get TOO hopeful - it just makes the disappointment all that more difficult. But I can't help it, the hope worms its way in too and just like I can't keep the scary things out I can't keep the overly optimistic things out either. So here's hoping for another month - hoping that this month is more successful, that this month will be a month free of disappointment, that next April will be the month we deliver a healthy, happy, full term baby, and Haley-Bug becomes a big sister. Here's hoping.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sweltering Summer Days

"Mommy tells me it's very hot outside in Logan right now, and that she thinks I would've liked being a little naked baby wearing nothing but a diaper and playing in the grass! Or better yet, lounging in one of those little baby swimming pools in my pink polka dotted swimsuit and splashing about! (I do look awfully adorable in polka dots if I do say so myself...)"
Chadmo and I just got home from a tasty dinner at Grandma Stevelt's with Mom, Poppy, Gerry, and Rosemarie. It was good to catch up with Gerry and Rosemarie who travel through Ohio on their trip from North Carolina to Michigan once or twice a year - they're old friends of my grandparents and they seem almost like a Great-Aunt & -Uncle to us, we love seeing them! If only Haley-Bug was here so they could meet her, I know her sweet smile would've won them over like it did everyone else.

Sorry for the short post this week, I'm feeling a bit blah and not up to writing much. Hope everyone has a good weekend! We have lots of friends and family coming to town this weekend, so hopefully that will cheer me up!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Dear Daddy and Grandpoppy...

...Happy Father's day!! (A few days early.) I love you bunches and bunches!" ~Haley-Bug
Look how cute, smiley, and pink my pretty baby girl is. I think people are right when they say the pain of losing a child never diminishes or gets any better, that you just learn to live with it. Sometimes I swear I miss her more with each passing day as opposed to missing her less (not that I guess I ever really thought I would miss her less). You are the light of my life, Haley-Bug. And the goal of having someone even a fraction as wonderful as you in my life again is the only thing that keeps me going most days.

And I guess that brings up the topic of the terrible comments that drove me to make my blog private. Now that I know those anonymous commentors can't read what I'm writing, I feel the desire to at least partially respond. I know I should just be able to ignore what ignorant people say, but their cruel, unthoughtful, and misunderstanding comments stirred up a lot of things I have worried about myself when I think of having another child. So now I feel the need to write them down on here, that way, once again, I don't have to keep track of them in my brain.

1) Clearly I am not trying to replace Haley. Haley is 100% irreplaceable. When she first passed away I initially thought (for about the first 4 days) that I would want to wait at least 6 months or so before considering trying again. I couldn't bear the thought that she might think I was trying to replace her, and I was afraid that if I had another baby it would be in an attempt to replace her and not out of my desire for a new, unique baby - which I think would be cruel and horrible. But after about 4 days I realized that was the biggest load of bullshit I'd ever come up with, that no one could ever be like Haley and I would never want to replace her because that's just not possible. Also, we've always wanted more than one child and eventually we would have had more even if Bug had lived. So it can hardly be construed as replacement when we're doing something we planned to do anyway. Besides which, I firmly believe that Haley-Bug would want us to be happy and have more children, and I do not believe that she would wish us to be childless and miserable forever.

2) Empty Arm Sydrome is possibly the worst thing ever. I can't wait to fill this house up with baby cuddles, sounds, smells, and toys again. I can't wait to meet our next wonderful child, get to know their cute little personality, and see what she or he may have in common with their big sister and in what ways they might be totally different!

3) 18 months ago, Chadmo and I decided we were ready to become parents. If we were ready then I'm not sure why anyone would think we should wish to be childless for some obscure period of time now. I know before I had kids, before I was ready to have kids, I might have thought you would've wanted to give yourself time to grieve or some such nonsense. Now I know I have the rest of my life to grieve, that that's never going to change, and that I was ready to be a parent then and I'm sure as heck still ready now. If you've known me well, you've known that I have wanted children forever. And note the use of children, not child. Plural. Children. After having our incredible Haley-Bug in our lives, we know more than ever that our desire for children was the correct thing for us. That there's nothing more amazing than loving a baby. We can't wait to love a second baby, while we continue to love our first of course.

4) Anyone who thinks you can replace a child with a dog, or who thinks that's what I meant by my last post, is laughable. As a veterinarian I feel I'm particularly exposed to the ridiculous statement that I hear at least once a day "My pets are like my children." Either these people have never had children or should've never had children. I adore my pets, I think they're incredible, but not for one instant do I believe they are on the same page as Haley-Bug or any future children. I love my pets an awful lot. I would be heart broken without them. But you know what? I've already had 5 dogs and some ridiculous number of cats in my past. I had Mary, my cat from when I was 4 till I was 17, until the day after I graduated from high school. When she died I cried for days and days and days. I thought I would never get over her. And now, though part of me is ashamed to say it, there are actual whole days that go by that I never think of Mary. I love her. I miss her. But there is not one second of the day that goes by when I don't think of Haley, and I can guarantee you there will never be an hour for the rest of my life that goes by that I won't think of her. And more importantly, I don't want there to ever BE an hour that goes by in which I wouldn't think of her. No, I am an avid pet lover, a veterinarian, a proud owner of 3 dogs and 2 cats, and I am here to tell you that your pets are not your kids. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, and I know mostly it's a harmless statement that even I have been known to say, but if you really think about it you know it's not true. (At least if you have real kids.) Don't think I'm crazy, when people come in and say that to me I say "Oh I know! I have 3 dogs and 2 cats of my own!" But don't you dare accuse me of trying to replace my child with a dog!

5) The fear of having another child with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome is constantly with me. Before I was ever pregnant with Haley I was the paranoid person who had cystic fibrosis carrier testing done and was plotting out what genetic defects we could be screened for before hand. If I was terrified of the possibility of a problem then, you can imagine what I'm like now. We will never have a normal pregnancy, that's not in the cards for us. Forever we will be "High Risk." Testing will begin on any future pregnancies by 11 weeks at the latest. Possibly at 20 weeks we will be done with extra testing (by testing I mean ultrasounds at the High Risk Center, at least), but probably they'll want to keep a closer eye on us than average after that even if everything's normal to that point. But people like Tobie and Tisha and Diane are my shining examples of hope: people who have had one child with a severe genetic defect and have gone on to have multiple healthy, happy babies afterwards. HLHS is no more hereditary than the defects they faced, and I hope and pray every day that we will be as lucky as they have been and have healthy babies from now on.

6) I don't believe for one minute that Haley-Bug suffered her whole life. Perhaps she had ~5 days where she felt worse than the average baby might have to experience, but as a whole I think she led a wonderful, happy, pain-free, and fear-free life. And that's all I have to say about that.

Well, that's all for tonight. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. I may think of more to add later. On a side note: no 4th dog - Cupcake is still looking for someone to love her! Chad and I just decided that 3 dogs are really more than enough, and mostly I just wanted to have a puppy to house train and play with to distract me from the pressures of trying to get pregnant and trying to get our Columbus house to sell. But neither of us wanted a permanent 4th addition, and really it would probably just be more stress rather than relaxation. I have 3 puppies and 2 kitties here, ready to love me at the drop of a hat, and we'll all just have to make more of a point to take long walks together and try to destress. They were awfully neglected when Bug was around, and hopefully they'll be neglected again soon ;), so I guess we better spoil them rotten now!

P.S. Thank so much to everyone for all the supportive comments, emails, and talks after last week's 'drama'. It really meant a lot to me, and I needed it. We are truly blessed to have such amazing family and friends.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's raining cats and dogs

"How many new puppies does Mommy want?? One!!"
"Oops, I don't think I was supposed to say anything! Don't tell her I told you..."
"But in any case, here's a picture of the super cute puppy who is being a bad influence on her and making her want another dog. :) "
(Mommy note: I don't think I really want another dog, but I need a project. I'm trapped in this house and having no luck getting pregnant yet - yes, yes, I know it's only been 4 months but that doesn't make it any easier - and I need a distraction. And this puppy, known as 'Cupcake' at the breeders, would be an awfully cute distraction, wouldn't she??)

Friday, June 4, 2010


Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the cutest, happiest baby of them all? Haley-Bug!
I wanted to blog yesterday, and then again this early evening right after work, but I honestly didn't know what to write about. A lot of weeks I start to 'write' my blog days in advance in my head, I think it's a therapeutic way for me to think about problems or worries constructively. For example, I think of how I want to write what I'm feeling, fine tuning it as the week goes, and then once I write it down and send it out into space I kind of get to move on from that worry for a little while. I know it's there, I know I won't forget about it and if I do need reminding I can just come and read the well thought out version of how I am feeling instead of the jumbly unsorted out way I might feel at any moment. It sounds funny, but if I think back that's really pretty much how it goes.

But this week, this week my thoughts are all over the place. I can't 'write' them out in advance because I jump from one worry to another. For the last few weeks the way I've been feeling can only be described as ineffable (how's that for an oxymoron - the only way to describe this feeling is 'indescribable'.) The closest I can come is 'uneasy', or 'anxious', but those aren't right either. 'Indecisive' is close, but that's only part of the way I've been feeling, not all of it. It's like I have this lurking sensation, like someone's following me or like I'm just waiting for something to happen but I don't know what I'm waiting for. One minute I want to fly to Denmark and run away for a year, the next I want to buy a house. Or maybe I just feel like going swimming? No wait, I'm so sad I don't think I'll ever get out of bed again. Let's make lots of plans for this weekend and do all sorts of crazy, fun things! But maybe I'd rather just relax at home? Maybe we should just stay in this house, who wants to move again? God, I hate that stupid house in Columbus, I lay awake at night thinking about it for hours. Oh shoot, don't forget to chart my basal body temperature. Maybe we should get another dog. Maybe we should shave Bianca? I love my job. Man, I need a vacation now. And I don't feel like talking, which if you know me you know that's just not right. In the last couple weeks I have thought on more than one occasion, "Why does everyone keep talking so much?" And I'm pretty sure that's not a thought I've ever had before in my life. Indecision is clearly not my forte either, I'm the girl who's known what she's wanted in life since she was 2, I don't like it when I don't have a plan. But right now I make a plan, and the next day I hate that plan, throw it away, and start over. It's exhausting.

Maybe part of the problem is that we were so close. We were so close to being happy. We were so close to having all our plans work out. And then those plans, my dreams, just dropped right out of the sky like an anvil. Now those dreams are shattered, and like Humptey Dumptey they can never be put back together again. Our lives will never be the same, our plans will never be the same, though we might be happy again someday we will never be as happy as we could've been if our Haley-bug was here. That potential is lost. When you've had plans and dreams for 24 years, it's not easy to let go of them. I always knew I was lucky to know so certainly what I wanted out of life, so many of my friends didn't even have a clue of what they wanted to do career wise until a couple years into college. Now I fully understand what a horrible feeling it is to not know what you want, to not have a plan. It's like being lost. I feel lost. And while I know it's a good thing that our lives will never be the same, that knowing Haley was the best thing that has ever happened to me in my whole entire life, I can't help but dwell on the fact that everything would be just so much better if she could only still be here in my arms.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Baby Therapy

February 19th, 2010 at ~6 am: Daddy holding Haley before she went in for surgery. Look how big she was! She was pretty zonked out with her binky, thinking "What are these crazy people doing up in the middle of the night?!?" I'm so glad she got to sleep through everything. She looked awfully cute in her little scrubs, as she did in everything.
Tonight I had some much needed Baby Therapy. After taking the dogs for a walk up the hill this evening I decided to run some little presents I'd gotten for Lauren Hildy out to John & Angie's house and hope that I could sneak in some baby kisses. Boy was I in luck! She had just had her bottle and a bath and was quite the happy little bright-eyed and bushy-tailed monster! I can't believe it's been 5 weeks since I've seen her, and she is so pretty, she even reminds me a bit of my Haley-bug. I got to hold her for almost 2 hours, and for the last half hour she was asleep and making all those adorable baby-sleeping-faces: smiling, frump faces, etc. I got to give her lots of smooches on the top of her head and on her chubby cheeks, and I got to rock her to sleep - something I miss doing SO much. She was even like Haley in the fact that when she got a little sleepy she wanted her binky, but then when she fell asleep she would spit it out and not want it anymore - so much better than when they insist on having it to be able to sleep! :) She is a sweet, beautiful little girl and John and Angie definitely seem like proud, happy parents (as they should be!)

I've been in need of baby therapy because we moved back into our house this Monday for the first time since Haley passed away (we've been staying with my parents, thank you so much for putting up with us for so long Mom and Dad!!) Clearly it's been a long over due move, and Chad is really happy to be home - but unfortunately I can't say the same for myself. I know I should like to be here, that I should be able to think of all the good, happy memories I have here with Haley-Cricket. To be honest it is good for Chad and I to be on our own again, but it's just not good to be here. All I can think of is how wrong it feels to be here without her. When I sit at the dining room table and eat my dinner that tastes like sawdust, all I can think about is the fact that her high chair should be there next to me. Our middle living room always had this awkward space that we didn't know what to do with until Haley came along and it was the perfect place for her pack n' play, and now there's that huge, gaping hole where she should be - filling up the living room with its awkwardness again but now it's 10 times worse. I can't bear to go upstairs where the carpet should be covered in toys, blankies, and her play-gym. And clearly her nursery is off limits, everything is just stuffed in there now, you can't even walk through there it's so full of swings, bouncy chairs, toys, etc - reminding you that once there was a baby who needed all these things, that they used to be spread all over our house. The guest bedroom next to the nursery is terrible too because it smells like all the good smelling baby stuff in the room next to it - wipes, lotions, dreft. Speaking of dreft, the laundry room is full of dreft and baby fabric softener sheets, not to mention that one of her blankies is still on top of the dryer and I can't stand to put it away. In the bathroom her whale bathtub that she loved so much looks at me every time I'm in there, looking useless and sad but if I put it away there will just be a hole in the bathroom where it belongs like there's a hole in the living room where the pack n' play should be. And when I go to sleep at night, it should be with her night light on in the living room and the bedroom door cracked - listening for contented sleeping baby peeps and squeaks and always keeping one ear open for a little baby roo who might pickle in the middle of the night to tell us she's hungry for some bottle. The silence that fills this house now is louder than any cries that it ever contained before. In fact it's so loud that I can't sleep at night and have to read till I pass out so the deafening quiet doesn't keep me awake. I love this house but I hate this house. It's time to move out. Now if only our Columbus house would sell so we could.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Yay Wisconsin!

Sorry for the delay in posting for the second week in a row, but we flew to Wisconsin yesterday and I was too excited once we got here to sit down and blog - we haven't been here to visit Chad's family in over a year! And since we are visiting, I don't have my computer with me with all of my millions of Haley-Bug pictures on it, so instead I will post a picture of our cutie-pie niece Kylee who we are visiting. :)

Here she is playing with Trip's leash, looking like the ornery little peanut she is! She is a crawling, pulling up, walking while holding onto fingers, cheerios eating, 12-hour sleeping, jibber jabbering machine! I can't believe how much she's changed in the 2.5 months since we last saw her, Melissa and John are lucky people to have such a happy, healthy baby-roo. :)

And speaking of lucky, Kylee is lucky to have healthy, happy parents who love her more than anything too. The other day I was lamenting to my Dad about how it was so frustrating for me to see all those hundreds (and I'm sure thousands) of babies at Children's Hospital who were there all by themselves, all day long, with no one to hold them or visit them. I struggle with moments of rage towards the parents of these children and think that they truly don't deserve them. Why didn't our sweet Haley-bug get to come home with us when we took the best possible care of her we could and spent every minute loving her and praying for her? But those other parents, who don't even visit their babies, just get to show up on discharge day and take home this little baby who probably never or rarely gets the special attention it most likely needs? I think I should get to take those babies home with me, tuck them in my pockets and run away with them. It's just so unfair.

But then, at the end of my tirade, my Dad wisely pointed out that wouldn't Haley rather be a baby who only lived 5.5 months but who was loved ferociously every single second of that time, and who had attention lavished on her and tons of people to love her and pray for her and take good care of her, than be one of those babies who might have gone on to live a long life but who didn't have anyone who loved them enough to even come visit them at the hospital and who probably went home to neglectful environments if not worse? Would you rather live a short but wonderful life or a long and miserable life? And I guess I knew the answer to that, and while I still don't think those people deserve those babies (and I've learned recently that most of those babies are given up for adoption because the people usually don't ever show up to pick them up from the hospital), I now realize that truly I am still luckier than they are and our Haley-Bug was certainly luckier than their sweet babies who are the ones who truly deserve better.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Wednesday Weekly - one day late!

This video is a little bit silly, we're all trying to get Haley to wave again on video (she'd waved 4 times at 4 different people earlier that day!) but of course she had stage fright and didn't want to cooperate! But I still think it's just too cute to hear her babble away, to her Mimi she loves so much. You'll note that when it comes to me she goes totally quiet - she loved to laugh and smile for mommy, but she liked to talk to everybody else! Don't get me wrong, she'd talk to me every now and again, but usually she saved the long chats for Daddy in the evening when she needed to catch him up on her day. I guess she figured I already knew everything she'd been up to anyway. :)

Earlier this week, Tuesday I think, I was flipping through the TV channels when I came across the new Documentary channel. I thought I'd check it out for a minute, and the documentary that happened to be on was about the average life expectancy in various countries. In the 5 minutes that I watched, they interviewed a woman serving a life sentence in prison with no possibility of parole. She talked about how being in prison and having no chance of that ever changing had made her finally wake up and live every moment to the fullest. That her goal every moment was to make it as good as it could possibly be and to make every encounter she had with each person she came across as positive as possible. She said when she met someone in the hallway she would think to herself "What can I say to them to make them smile?" As the interview progressed, she compared her life sentence to that of the life of a parent who has lost a young child. (You know your life isn't too hot when people serving life sentences in prison think to themselves "What could be worse than this? Losing a child, yep, that's about it.") She claimed that as with parents who've lost children, you just have to deal with the cards your dealt and keep on living. There's nothing else you can do. And she said "I'm not miserable. I'm not happy, but I'm not miserable either." And when she said that, I realized that at that moment her comparison was true so far as I was concerned. On Tuesday, when I was watching that documentary, I may not have been happy but I was no longer miserable. And while I feel confident that I will have miserable moments again, probably even miserable days and miserable weeks, I hope that I will no longer have miserable months and months. But I also hold out hope that one day we will be happy again. That someday there will be a better description for my life than 'not miserable.' But, for now, I'll take it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Breakfast (Never before seen on the Daily Haley, only on facebook!)

"Hmm...what should I have for breakfast this morning?"
"EWW! Not that icky formula! I like breastmilk, Mommy!"
(Well, there should be a 3rd picture of a satisfied looking Baby-roo who got her way and had a tasty breastmilk bottle instead of an icky one with formula mixed in with it, but for some reason Blogger won't let me upload it right side up - only side ways! So this is all for now. She really didn't enjoy that transition much, and I was very sad breastfeeding didn't last longer for us as well. But formula sure did help her sleep at night!)

Well, today I went back to the vet school for the first time in (I think) a year. It's incredibly difficult to think it's been that long, it sure seemed as familiar as if I'd just been there yesterday. I went back to take Farrah for her annual cardiology check-up, she has a common feline heart problem called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) and is in a study with one of the cardiologists up there, Dr. Schoeber. All was good on her check up, her heart disease does not seem to have progressed since last year which is always good news. Somehow today almost felt more normal than any other day has in the last 2+ months - driving someone to the cardiologist in Columbus. Until today I'd never connected the fact that Haley-bug liked Farrah best of all the pets and that Farrah liked Haley-bug best too, my two heart babies. I only wish it was Haley-bug that I'd gotten to take to the cardiologist today (no offense Farrah).

It was fun to get to catch up with some of my favorite vet school friends today while I was there - Nicole, Matt, Dr. Green, Dr. Cober, Dr. Scansen, and Dr. Schoeber. Nicole was trying to convince me to come back and do a Rad Onc (radiation oncology) residency, and I have to admit part of me was tempted. But only a very illogical part, because what use would a Radiation Oncologist be in Logan, Ohio? Very little. But still, I do love Oncology and I miss my Nicole!

On a side note, this past weekend when we were up visiting Katy & Greg for their Kentucky Derby party, I was browsing in my favorite store - Fritzy Jacobs - when I discovered this adorable plate which I just had to buy and now eat my lunch on every day! It was just another little bit of Haley, popping out in one of my favorite places (one of the few public places Haley ever got to go!) and reminding me that she is always with me. Lady Bug decor seems to be everywhere this spring, maybe it always is and I've just never been so attuned to it before, but I'm grateful for the abundance all the same.

Lately I've been avoiding telling people, who don't already know, that Haley passed away. So long as they only ask questions in the past tense, such as "Did you have a boy or a girl? What name did you pick? Isn't having a baby wonderful? Are you managing to work full time?" I just answer them with the truth, we had a beautiful baby girl, Haley, yes - having a baby is the most wonderful thing in the world, and yes I am working full time. I just don't have the energy to correct them, and I imagine eventually they'll figure it out. If they keep prying, or ask other questions like "How is she?" etc, then I will tell them, but otherwise it's just easier not to. Maybe this isn't healthy, avoidance or something, but it's just too emotionally exhausting to explain to 1 or 2 new people a day. Pity is exhausting. I know they're sympathetic, but their pitying looks just rip my heart in two. Or people who you know know but who are obviously trying not to bring it up - but they can't help but give you these awful pitying looks. Then it's just better to get it out in the open. We think about her a million times a second, so there's no need to worry about bringing something up and making us sad. I'm always thinking about her, I'm always on the cusp of sad, and I've learned that I can cry a million times a day for a second at a time and move on. But those pitying looks when people think they're avoiding the topic and making you feel better, boy is that the opposite of how it works out. I want to talk about Haley, especially about happy Haley memories. I want everyone to remember her and how wonderful she was and is. So please, feel free to talk about her, and don't mind if I cry a little bit - it happens all the time.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2 Months

"Hey! Where's my bottle of champagne Mimi???"
(Haley-Bug and Mimi in their jammies just before midnight on New Year's Eve 2009, getting ready to toast with Aunt Kelly, Grandma, and Grandpoppy!)I miss the cute wiggly toes that filled out those pink bunny 'slippers' so much, especially when a certain silly baby would get all excited and kick, kick, kick like she was going to fly away!

Last Thursday, Chadmo went with me to a CE seminar at the Columbus Zoo. It was lots of fun because for about an hour before the dinner/seminar, the Asia Quest region was opened for the people attending the event even though the rest of the zoo was shut down for the night. It was a beautiful evening, the weather couldn't have been better, and it was sooo cool to feel like you were at your own private zoo! Maybe a few other attendees would happen along, but mostly you were at each exhibit by yourself.

Chadmo and I were walking from the Tiger exhibit to the Lion exhibit when I started feeling very sad and telling him how excited I'd been to bring Haley to the zoo. We were talking about how much fun it would have been to bring her in her baby bjorn to look at the giant aquarium, the manatees, and she might have even been getting old enough by this spring to enjoy the capuchins and more active monkeys too. There were so many things I was so excited to show her and experience with her, and it's so hard to do those things without her now. We were both feeling pretty sad in general when, just as we walked up to admire the 2 lionesses and 3 cubs, a female cardinal flew over and landed about 2 feet away from us on the walkway. It was the first and last cardinal we saw that day, and it was truly like Haley was saying "I AM here with you Mommy and Daddy, don't be sad." And honestly, it did make us feel better. Some things just can't be coincidences. Thank you, Aunt Patty, for making us aware of the cardinals in our life.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What I wouldn't give for one more kiss...

"Hmm, how do I get these green leaves off of here?"
I love you with all of my heart, my little rosy cheeked, peach fuzz haired, button nosed, smoochable faced, wonderful smelling, smart and focused, giggly, wiggly, lovely-pie Haley-bug.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cell phone treasures

So I know it's not the best quality video when viewed on here, but that's because I took it with my cell phone. It's from February 18th, and I discovered it on my phone sometime in early March and I just love it so much, as I love all videos and pictures of my Haley-bug. It was so great to discover them on my phone, and I watch them constantly now. There are a couple others from that day too, so I'll post them on here eventually. I know it gets really blurry, but watch for the cutie-pie smile a few seconds in! :)

We love you bunches and bunches Haley-Bug. Wish you were here to celebrate spring with us.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

An Emotional Rollercoaster

February 18th, 2010: Haley-Bug being a picture perfect baby at Aunt Katy & Uncle Greg's the night before surgery. She was SO good all day that day, just 100% fun, easy going, sweet, and giggly. Even at the doctor's for pre-admission testing - she was perfect. Such a happy, cute, wonderful sweetie-pie. We got lots of quality neck smooching and associated giggling in that night, though it will never be enough. I'm so glad it was a good day.

Before I wander off into my own thoughts and emotions, I just want to ask everyone to say a special prayer for the Jefferies and Keirns families today because today (April 7th) is the 23rd birthday of the daughter they lost, Kelly. They have all been very supportive throughout our adventures with Haley-bug, and today when they went to the cemetery to release balloons for Kelly's birthday (they release as many balloons for as old as she would be: 23 years, 23 balloons), they also released one for Haley when they were sending all of Kelly's balloons off to Heaven. I think it is so incredibly thoughtful of them to think of us on their toughest of days. My own personal loss makes me ache so much more for theirs, and though I feel like I of all people should have something insightful or encouraging to say - I can think of nothing. Except maybe, as Brian Andreas says, 'The loss is not yours alone'. So I say it to you, Michelle, Doug, Kristy, Travis, and Bella - the loss is not yours alone, we all share it with you and we hope that maybe that can make your loss even a little bit easier. Our prayers are with you.

Now onto the unpleasant task of describing myself this week. My facebook status has been "please excuse me while I hate everyone for a little while" and I think that sort of sums it up. It's been a rough year, a rough couple of months, a rough week, a rough few days - and right now I feel mostly like I just hate everyone. When I made that my status on facebook, everyone kept messaging me and saying "I hope tomorrow is a better day" or "What's wrong, do you want to talk?" And illogically it surprised me. I guess if I say I hate everyone, I should expect people to be worried and to think that something in particular that day might have gone wrong, but I didn't see that that would be a logical assumption and it caught me off guard. Nothing worse, nothing any more wrong than every day has been since February 19th, nothing unusual happened. There's no way the next day could've been better, because that day wasn't bad. I just hated everyone, and pretty much I still do. Don't get me wrong, I still like to hang out with people - I desperately need the distraction - but when I'm by myself, I hate everyone and everything. I hate how somehow I managed to make it through almost the first month with no one coming into work and asking how 'the baby' was, or some such similar inquiry. And now almost every day for the last 2 weeks I've had at least one person who didn't know and that I've had to explain it to. I hate everyone else and their healthy babies. I hate waking up without Haley, and I hate going to sleep without Haley, and I hate the way people chew, and they way they make noises when they drink, and the way they laugh, and smile, and talk like the world is normal or nice or fun. I just hate everyone. So please do excuse me if I don't answer when you call, or return your kind emails or texts, or if I seem a bit aloof. I don't really hate anyone, and I'm sure it's a phase that's probably reasonably normal, but I just hope it passes quickly. Sometimes I can hardly swallow because there is so much emotion filling up my throat. And then the next thing I know I realize I haven't been upset for a few hours because I was having fun with friends or distracted by listening to someone else's problems, and then I feel guilty that I might not have thought of my sweet Haley for so long! But that's not true, there is a constant streaming of thoughts of Haley running through my subconscious at all times, and every time I'm talking to anyone about anything I think about "Haley this.." or "Haley that.." or "Before Haley..." or "After Haley..." or "While Haley..." or "When Haley..."

So, as it says on facebook, please excuse me while I hate everyone for a little while. I do hope it's just for a little while.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday Weekly

"Hmm, which do I love more, cheeker kisses or necky kisses? That's a tough question Mommy! I'll have to chew on my tasty finger and think about it for a minute... :)"
Her sleeper pretty much sums it up - she is beyond adorable! That sleeper came with a little bib that said "Off to Grandma's", and underneath her sleeper she was wearing a long sleeved onesie that said "Grandpa's Girl", so she's very pro Grandma & Grandpa in this picture. :) As she should be!

So my blog is getting to be more of a Wednesday weekly than a Daily Haley (with the occasional mid week bonus post), but you'll have to forgive me the false advertising because I don't think I'll be changing the name in spite of the fib! If I was going to rename it more aptly it would be the Million-times-Daily Haley - because that's how often I think of her, and I only wish that I had a million new pictures of her from each day to post for all of you.

Today was a long day, I don't think I've been left to my own devices/home alone for more than an hour at most in the last month, and never at all in the last 6.5 months (oh, how I wish I never had a minute alone again, if that would mean my Bug was here!) Today I was here by myself for about 11 hours, though I did trick Jason into taking me to dinner at the Mexican restaurant in town and that took up an hour of my lonely 11. (Thanks Jason. :) Glad the Mexicans are sexist, haha.) It went alright though, and I did realize that the reason I've been having constant headaches is because I'm subconsciously clenching my jaw all the time. Even though I now realize what I'm doing, I still catch myself doing it all the time when I'm not actively preventing myself from clenching it - ouch! I'm going to have to figure out some way to stop that soon. Chadmo's obviously having similar issues because he's been grinding his teeth in his sleep about a thousand times more than he used to, I have to keep poking him at night and making him stop.

Ah, stress. I think we could all use a nice big dose of Valium. Or a Haley hug.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

1 month

We miss you more than anything in the whole entire world Haley-bug. We love you more than anything in the whole entire world too, and we continue to love you more and more each day.

I carry you with me
into the world,
into the smell of the rain
& the words that dance
between people

& for me,
it will always
be this way,
walking in the light,
remembering being alive

- (Living Memory) by Brian Andreas,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Beautiful Wednesday

"Hmph, don't try to distract me with pretty pink teething rings, I see that camera playing paparazzi again!"

The weather seems to have been being particularly beautiful on every Wednesday since Haley-bug passed away, as if she's saying 'I'm still here, walking with you and loving you.' We actually didn't walk today, but we did walk yesterday and Monday. And in all our many trips we've made back to her cemetery, we have never seen a red cardinal there again - much less one singing its' heart out as one did during her graveside service. Thank you Grandma Mitchell.

Yesterday when we went we picked some of the beautiful daffodils that have been blooming all around here to take to her. We have her grave covered with flowers, and it's fun because the deer obviously enjoy the snack we're providing them with. They don't like daffodils though, or carnations, so we're starting to figure out what to put on there if we want something to last. But really I like to think of them, coming and munching on her bouquets and walking around in that cemetery at dusk.

Today as I was lounging on the couch and reading, I could actually hear the music from Haley's play gym playing in my head and I could envision her lying there, kicking away, talking to her butterflies, and smiling when I came to peek at her over the top of bar. I can still feel the weight of her in my arms, smell the wonderful baby smell from the top of her head, and hear her fussing 'pick me up' noise. I don't think I will every truly believe that she is gone, that I will never get to hold or kiss her again. I think my brain must have decided that if I want to stay sane that it should never allow this thought to root itself in my brain. I can't say I blame it or disagree.

Life is surreal lately. Time ticks by, the days seem normal enough, we go to work, fix dinner, eat, watch tv, do laundry, go for walks, feed the dogs, brush our teeth (though I really never sleep anymore, if you know me, you know how un-Kristy like that is), we shower, we grocery shop, we read books, we go to the bank, we act normal. But nothing is normal. Everything sort of feels like it's on hold but you don't know what you're waiting for? Waiting for Haley to magically appear? To come back from the hospital? To wake up and realize it was all a horrible nightmare? I think everyone of us has had dreams where she miraculously recovers, gets better, and comes home - only to wake up and be devastated all over again. If only dreams really did come true.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St Patrick's Day - 2 weeks and 3 days

"Here Mommy, let me test your finger and see if you are fat enough yet for the evil witch to roast in her oven... Not quite, would you like some of my bottles to help you out?? They sure make me adorable and full of wonderful baby-chub rolls!"
I feel like I should write a cheerful post and tell you about all of the things we've been doing to keep busy and the fun we've been having with the best friends anyone could ask for, that way you can all think we're doing better (or at least well) and not worry about us. But, in spite of all the things we've been doing and the wonderful friends, that would be a lie. I think instead of feeling better as the days go by I, in fact, feel worse. Each day I miss her more and more, and exactly as the 'Guide to Grieving' booklet said I would, I think to myself "But I was doing so well, what happened?" Maybe it is just all the people being gone, the shock wearing off, the realization that life moves on without our cherished Haley-bug, or the fact that designing a gravestone for your 5 1/2 month old daughter is something you should never have to do. Maybe it's because it's St. Patrick's Day and I wish I could dress her in green and threaten to pinch her, or the fact that the weather was so beautiful out today and she would have loved our Wednesday afternoon walk back to Serio's when she wouldn't have had to be bundled up like a little Laplander baby. Perhaps it was that horrible Williams-Sonoma catalog that arrived with all the Easter decorations on the front - and I could just picture Mr. Bun-Bun celebrating his favorite holiday for years to come by being the star of Haley's Easter basket, dressed in a new outfit each year, and filling her Easter basket with the chocolate lady bugs that were just a few pages into the catalog. That Easter reminds me of the beautiful Tulip dress she got from Aunt Kelly, that would've fit her perfectly this Easter and now she will never get to wear it. That I can't imagine a single holiday without her, nor do I want to. Maybe it was the picture on the back of a magazine, a picture of a Daddy holding a little girl in the crashing waves of the ocean, and the fact that we are supposed to go to the beach without our Haley-bug this year and that there is nothing I would rather do less. She will never sit on the beach and have the waves crash on her feet, chase real crabs with flash lights, and get salt water in her mouth. I don't want to go on vacation, and I don't want there to be holidays, and I don't want the world to keep pretending like things are normal - but that would be giving up, that would be not living life, and that is not an option. So we go to work, and we smile, and we try to keep living life - because what else can we do?

Thursday, March 11, 2010


"What is this silly shirt doing, puffed up in front of my face? Is it good to chew on? No. Does it get in the way when I try to put toys in my mouth? Definitely! Mommy!! New shirt please!"
Oh this picture breaks my heart.

Of course I love all of the ones of her smiling, all the pictures that anyone would think were cute, but it's this type of picture - where I can hear her talking, see her big personality, remember how funny she was, remember all the fun things she was learning and just starting to be able to do - these are the ones that break my heart. I just want to smooch her neck that smelled so good, chew on her chubby fingers, tickle her feet, breathe in the good smell of the top of her head, blow raspberries on her belly, tell her 'good morning', change her stinky diapers, play peek-a-boo in the mirror together, and kiss her till I pass out from exhaustion. How can a baby with such a bad heart be so perfect? Why her? Why us? Why not something more fixable? She had so many things going for her (according to the cardiologists), why does it work for the little boy who was 3 months premature and had HLHS and everything else against him, but not for my happy, thriving, full term HLHS Haley-Bug?

I know these are questions I will never have answers to. And I know they don't help, and even if I had the answers I don't think they would make me feel any better. But I can't drive them from my mind, I cannot help but think them 1,000 times a day.

When I started re-reading the Twilight series yesterday (junk food reading is a very good distraction for me when I'm depressed) I found a line that really struck home:

"When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end." -Stephanie Meyer

Haley-bug was beyond our expectations. If we'd lived 25 years ago we wouldn't have had her for more than 3 or 4 days. Dr. Galantowicz gave us 5.5 precious months, they offered us a chance for a beautiful baby girl where otherwise there would have been none. And we took it. No, we didn't hope for 5.5 months, we hoped for 30 years (at least). If originally they had offered us a baby for 5.5 months I would've thought that sounded horrible, and while it is horrible - so horrible to have lost her - I am so eternally grateful for every second that we did have with her. So eternally grateful that her 5.5 months were happy, filled with love, laughter, and more love. She taught me more in her short life than in the last 25 years combined. And this is what gets me through. This is what gets me through the horribleness of this all, the fact that I am grateful for the time we did have when really we shouldn't have had any, and that while I grieve for the end of our beautiful dream it is better than grieving for never getting to dream at all.

"We can't feel saddened over the loss of those we love, without first remembering the joy of loving them. The real sadness would have been never having had them in our lives at all. Remembering is a journey the heart takes, back into a time that was, and our thoughts are all that we need to visit. We who have truly loved, are blessed." -Flavia

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I miss blogging...

...Though I know it's mostly because I miss getting to take new
pictures of Haley-bug everyday. Oh my little Sweet Pea, how I miss
you so.

I do have a few pictures of Bug that I'd never had a chance to post - ones from the last few days before the hospital that were on my
camera but not yet on my computer. So in the interest of stretching them out and making them last for more posts, I will only put one
up at a time (though many of them are very similar). I know I could never pick just one out of a series anyway, and now I will have to
ration the cuteness.

The Rose Beyond the Wall

A rose once grew
where all could see,
sheltered beside
a garden wall.
And, as the days
passed swiftly by,
it spread its branches,
straight and tall...

One day,
a beam of light shone through
a crevice that had opened wide -
The rose bent gently
toward its warmth
then passed beyond
to the other side...

you who deeply feel its loss,
be comforted -
the rose blooms there -
Its beauty greater now,
by God's own loving care.

This is a poem on one of the sympathy cards we received today,
and it really touched me. This is how I picture our Haley now, still
blooming, beautiful, and happy - and now her heart is whole at
last. I know she is not sad, that all my sadness is for myself. I'm
selfish and want her here with me. Dying doesn't scare me, but I
have always been afraid of losing those I love. And now that my
worst fear has come true, I know that that fear was well founded
because the ache it leaves inside me is terrible. The selfish part of
me wants her here so bad, I would do anything to have her back.
Though I know she is in a better place now, that she is home and
resting, that she is blooming ever more beautiful, I still want her
back in my arms. I cannot imagine that even the most selfless
person could want anything but this of their own child as well, so I
will forgive myself I suppose. But oh, how I want her.