Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday Weekly

"Hmm, which do I love more, cheeker kisses or necky kisses? That's a tough question Mommy! I'll have to chew on my tasty finger and think about it for a minute... :)"
Her sleeper pretty much sums it up - she is beyond adorable! That sleeper came with a little bib that said "Off to Grandma's", and underneath her sleeper she was wearing a long sleeved onesie that said "Grandpa's Girl", so she's very pro Grandma & Grandpa in this picture. :) As she should be!

So my blog is getting to be more of a Wednesday weekly than a Daily Haley (with the occasional mid week bonus post), but you'll have to forgive me the false advertising because I don't think I'll be changing the name in spite of the fib! If I was going to rename it more aptly it would be the Million-times-Daily Haley - because that's how often I think of her, and I only wish that I had a million new pictures of her from each day to post for all of you.

Today was a long day, I don't think I've been left to my own devices/home alone for more than an hour at most in the last month, and never at all in the last 6.5 months (oh, how I wish I never had a minute alone again, if that would mean my Bug was here!) Today I was here by myself for about 11 hours, though I did trick Jason into taking me to dinner at the Mexican restaurant in town and that took up an hour of my lonely 11. (Thanks Jason. :) Glad the Mexicans are sexist, haha.) It went alright though, and I did realize that the reason I've been having constant headaches is because I'm subconsciously clenching my jaw all the time. Even though I now realize what I'm doing, I still catch myself doing it all the time when I'm not actively preventing myself from clenching it - ouch! I'm going to have to figure out some way to stop that soon. Chadmo's obviously having similar issues because he's been grinding his teeth in his sleep about a thousand times more than he used to, I have to keep poking him at night and making him stop.

Ah, stress. I think we could all use a nice big dose of Valium. Or a Haley hug.


  1. Kristy and Chad,

    Your great pain is only possible because of your great love for Haley. I am so sorry you had to let her go. I pray that the terrible ache in your hearts will subside with time. Take time to hold each other and be still. Cry together, laugh together, smile together, and remember your beloved daughter was blessed with parents and family who loved her beyond measure.

    +Peace be with you.

    Karen Potter

  2. That picture just makes me want to squeeze her sweet little cheeks.

    Oh, she just looks so precious.

    As always...I'm thinking of you and praying for you constantly.

    Love and hugs,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I know that many people have probably reassured you that in time you Will feel less pain. That is so hard to hear when you are in the thick of it!! But there is some truth to it. Don's sister died unexpectantly and tragically last year. It took the wind out our sails, but as someone who has suffered and continues to work through a big loss, I want to reassure you that you Will feel joy once again. I hope you know that you are not alone. We are continuing to hold you in our warmest thoughts and prayers. These beautiful days of Spring, The Easter Story, and the new life all around have given me some peace in the reminder of eternal life and God's unfailing love. I pray for peace for you too!

  5. Kristy, I love to read your blog each week, and just find such joy in Haley's face. I can't imagine how you feel, but from what I read I know you are stronger than I could be in this situation. I would not have the grace to handle things as well as you are. Please know that you are in our thoughts every moment of the day. A part of us is always thinking and praying for your family, and remembering Haley.
    I read this poem, and couldn't stop the tears. It made me think of you and your sweet daughter. However hard the trial, I fully believe that nothing takes the Father by surprise. He gave you Haley for a reason, and you may not for many years know what the reason is.
    God needed Haley back, but for the time she was here, He intrusted her to you and Chad. How special she was to be loved SO much!

    God’s Lent Child

    I'll lend you for a little while,
    A child of mine, God said
    For you to love the while she lives
    And mourn for when she's dead.
    It may be six or seven years
    or forty-two or three;
    But will you, till I call her back
    Take care of her for me?
    She'll bring her charm to gladden you
    And -should her stay be brief-
    You'll have her lovely memories
    As a solace for your grief.
    I cannot promise she will stay
    Since all from Earth return;
    But there are lessons taught below
    I want this child to learn.
    I've looked the whole world over
    In my search for teachers true;
    And from the things that crowd life's lane
    I have chosen you.
    Now will you give her all your love?
    Nor think the labor in vain?
    Nor hate me when I come to take
    This lent child home again?
    I fancied that I heard them say
    "Dear Lord, Thy will be done"
    For all the joys Thy child will bring
    The risk of grief we'll run.
    We will shelter her with tenderness
    We'll love her while we may,
    And for the happiness we've known
    Forever grateful stay.
    But should the angels call for her
    Much sooner than we've planned,
    We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
    And try to understand.
    ~Author Unknown


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