Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I miss blogging...

...Though I know it's mostly because I miss getting to take new
pictures of Haley-bug everyday. Oh my little Sweet Pea, how I miss
you so.

I do have a few pictures of Bug that I'd never had a chance to post - ones from the last few days before the hospital that were on my
camera but not yet on my computer. So in the interest of stretching them out and making them last for more posts, I will only put one
up at a time (though many of them are very similar). I know I could never pick just one out of a series anyway, and now I will have to
ration the cuteness.

The Rose Beyond the Wall

A rose once grew
where all could see,
sheltered beside
a garden wall.
And, as the days
passed swiftly by,
it spread its branches,
straight and tall...

One day,
a beam of light shone through
a crevice that had opened wide -
The rose bent gently
toward its warmth
then passed beyond
to the other side...

you who deeply feel its loss,
be comforted -
the rose blooms there -
Its beauty greater now,
by God's own loving care.

This is a poem on one of the sympathy cards we received today,
and it really touched me. This is how I picture our Haley now, still
blooming, beautiful, and happy - and now her heart is whole at
last. I know she is not sad, that all my sadness is for myself. I'm
selfish and want her here with me. Dying doesn't scare me, but I
have always been afraid of losing those I love. And now that my
worst fear has come true, I know that that fear was well founded
because the ache it leaves inside me is terrible. The selfish part of
me wants her here so bad, I would do anything to have her back.
Though I know she is in a better place now, that she is home and
resting, that she is blooming ever more beautiful, I still want her
back in my arms. I cannot imagine that even the most selfless
person could want anything but this of their own child as well, so I
will forgive myself I suppose. But oh, how I want her.


  1. Kristy,

    Your words about Haley - about where she is now....about how much you love her....about how much you miss her...about how much you want her...about how you know she is "blooming ever more beautiful now" - are so incredible. They are so real and honest and loving and courageous, even. I'm crying for you - because of that terrible ache you feel. I'm also just totally amazed at your insight and faith and strength.

    This picture of Haley is just precious. And that poem is beautiful. Thank you for sharing them here - and for also sharing your heart with us here on the blog.

    You're incredible.

    Love and Hugs and Prayers,

  2. Kristy, I'm so glad you updated again. I still look daily. I was just thinking how I wish you would continue to blog. Haley continues to touch my life daily.

    Its so hard to comment through tears. I wish, I could tell you this in person. It seems so impolite to comment on something so personal in an online space.

    I also picture Haley blooming, beautiful, and happy because she always has been. When I picture Haley I see her beautiful smiling face. This is the only thing that seems to take away a little bit of that awful ache that I feel. I haven't been sleeping because I have been trying to figure out if I've lost or gained faith. Reading what you wrote tonight made me realize that I've GAINED faith.

    You are and will continue to be one of the most amazing people that I've ever met. I feel very proud to call you my friend.

  3. What a touching blog Kristy, and such a precious picture! Thank you for posting it!

    It is amazing that such a tiny life has touched so many others. I cry just reading your words, they are so very true and sweet. How special to know that Haley is being comforted by the hands of God. He is holding Haley now, and will be forever, and has given her a perfect heart! I hope that over time your joys and memories of Haley will outweigh your sadness.

    You are a very special person Kristy, God gave Haley to you for a reason. You loved her more in five months than anyone else could!

    Fly with Christ Haley-Bug!

    We're still praying!
    The Becker's


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