Sunday, March 28, 2010

1 month

We miss you more than anything in the whole entire world Haley-bug. We love you more than anything in the whole entire world too, and we continue to love you more and more each day.

I carry you with me
into the world,
into the smell of the rain
& the words that dance
between people

& for me,
it will always
be this way,
walking in the light,
remembering being alive

- (Living Memory) by Brian Andreas,


  1. Oh Kristy.

    You are probably totally sick of my zillions of comments on here. But I just can't help it.

    You, Chad, and Haley are on our minds all the time. It has been a month - and it is all still so fresh and real and present in my mind. I've been crying out to God on your behalf - constantly.

    Oh this picture - Haley is so beautiful. It all just makes me weep. And that poem - so fitting and so true. Thank you for posting it.

    As always - if you need ANYTHING...EVER - holler.

    Love you,

  2. Kate said everything that I wanted to say. I still think of You, Chad, and Haley everyday. I wish my arms could stretch the 3,000 smiles to squeeze you!

  3. What an exquisite portrait.

    Take care of yourself, Kristy.


  4. Kristy what a darling picture of your Haley!

    My heart just aches for you, I could never imagine what your heart is feeling.
    I pray daily for peace in the midst of your horrible storm, and a comfort like none other to wash over you. Tears just fall thinking of your precious baby girl, I know it's only a fraction of the tears you cry.

    Please know that we continue to pray, and we will always remember the life of your sweet Haley.

    Love and Hugs to all of you,
    The Beckers


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