Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's raining cats and dogs

"How many new puppies does Mommy want?? One!!"
"Oops, I don't think I was supposed to say anything! Don't tell her I told you..."
"But in any case, here's a picture of the super cute puppy who is being a bad influence on her and making her want another dog. :) "
(Mommy note: I don't think I really want another dog, but I need a project. I'm trapped in this house and having no luck getting pregnant yet - yes, yes, I know it's only been 4 months but that doesn't make it any easier - and I need a distraction. And this puppy, known as 'Cupcake' at the breeders, would be an awfully cute distraction, wouldn't she??)


  1. Cuteness overload! I can't take it! AHHHHHH! Haley bug in spotted pants ='s <3!

  2. Oh my goodness!!! THAT is the "Cupcake" you were talking about at lunch!?!!!! Oh Kristy....Cupcake looks like a really wonderful 'project'!

    Absolutely adorable :)

    Praying for you :)

    Love and Hugs,
    Kate :)

  3. Go for it Kristy... Put some love back into your heart!!!

  4. you just lost your daughter and your trying to get pregnant again?

  5. Oh my gosh!! Cupcake is irresistable!! I think a puppy would be a great distraction and stress reliever which may even help with your pregnancy goals... hmmm... :) You know, they do say that just by petting a dog you can lower your blood pressure.

    And I must to respond to the incredibly inappropriate comment posted by "anonymous": I don't know if you've ever lost a first child, and I hope that you haven't, but one of the overwhelming emotions that overcome you is the fear that you will never have another child again. That you were happier than you ever imagined for a brief moment in time; that you loved and were loved more than you ever thought was possible, and now it's gone forever. Now you are faced with the rest of your life knowing what you had but never being able to feel it again. They say that when you lose your parents, you lose part of your past. But when you lose a child, you lose your future. And that is exactly how it feels. I lost a daughter who was stillborn 3 1/2 years ago. I still grieve for her today and think of her every day. Her ashes are in a heartshaped box on my dresser and I talk to her every day. She was our first child. When we lost her, the ONLY thing that kept me going from one day to the next was the hope of getting pregnant again...and soon. I was almost panicked with the fear of never having a new life growing inside me again, of never holding a baby in my arms who would open her eyes and look at me, of never watching my child grow up. And no amount of therapy can free you from those feelings. We started trying for another baby 2 months after we lost Angel. It took us 10 months before we were pregnant again, and the depression, fear, and anxiety that I experienced during that time when month after month I discovered that I wasn't pregnant, is something I never want to feel again. The one blessing that comes from losing a child is that you don't take anything for granted again. I thank God for Jonathon every day, and I thank Him for our new baby boy who is due this September. I feel like I have more love and patience for Jonathon and for my husband than I did before losing Angel. Even when Jonathon has a tantrum or is turning our house upside down, I am thankful...because he is here to do those things. I believe, at least for me, that this is one situation where time cannot completely heal your heart. But another child can fill that heart up again and restore your life.

    And to Kristy, I hope that you do not let the comment from "anonymous" affect you. If that person feels the need to judge others, take comfort in the fact that God will judge him/her just as harshly. I am praying every day for you that you get pregnant soon. There is nothing wrong with the desire to have another baby after losing is perfectly natural and appropriate. And I know that Haley is in heaven holding her brother or sister and just waiting for God to give the word to send him or her to you and Chad. Just as I know our Angel wanted us to have Jonathon and this new baby, I know Haley wants you and Chad to have a new baby.

    God Bless You, Kristy.
    Hugs, Tobie

  6. What darling pictures!!! Each time I read your blog, I think THIS is the cutest picture of Haley, then you post again and the new picture is sweeter still. What a beautiful little girl.

    I hope also, that you do not let that comment steal the bits of joy you are able to find in your days. It's not worth your time to worry about anything else in life than what you already are!

    I love picturing in my mind what Tobie said, that Haley up in Heaven is holding her brother or sister just waiting for the word. What a blessed moment when she can send a new baby down to her mommy and daddy. She is the best angel your family could ever have!!

    Praying for you guys daily!

  7. May there be pink stripes on the pee stick in your very near future. :)

    I have thought about how I would cope if something happened to Hannah or Nathaniel. As much as it hurts me to imagine, I think I would instantly want to have a baby. Babies mend the soul in ways nothing else can. I fully support you and Chad and am praying for your success!!

  8. I wasnt trying to be rude with my comment, I just think that its a very selfish thing to do to get pregnant so soon because for 1, you cant replace a baby like you can a puppy, and 2, what if this baby has the same issues that haley did, is it fair to let another baby go through the same thing haley did just because his/her parents needs a "distraction"?

  9. Wow, I'm sorry you so clearly don't know me at all or understand what I was saying. I wish you could've read what Tobie wrote and understood that and applied it to my post. Regardless, I don't feel the need to explain myself to you. Though I wish you would have the courage to sign your name. And truly, if you think so little of me that you honestly believe that's what I was implying when I wrote this post, then I'm surprised you read my blog at all. I wish I could ask you not to from now on, but I'm sure you will do as you wish. Everyone has counseled me not to respond to you, but I couldn't resist this one time. I won't do so again. Once again, you couldn't be farther from the truth in your interpretation. I apologize for the confusion.

  10. I agree with "anonymous" you cant replace babies like you can puppies, wouldnt you feel horrible if the new baby had the same defect as your first born did and he/she had to go through all those surgeries, pain, and suffering as haley did only because your bored and need a distraction, your a very selfish person to be willing to put another human being through that, find a hobby, go to work, go mingle with some friends but please dont do this, but then again if you have no heart then i guess it wont matter to you huh?

  11. To Kelly & Anonymous,
    1. Having another baby is NOT to replace a lost one. It is to fill the unquenchable desire that God gave us to love and raise a child to adulthood. To live unselfishly beyond ourselves. A desire that all of earth's creatures have.
    2. Haley's heart defect was very rare and NOT genetic. The chances of another baby having the same condition is practically zero. Maybe you'd like to jump down my baby died from Trisomy 13. There was a greater chance than Kristy's that our subsequent children would have a genetic defect. But I chose not to rely on man-made fear but to trust in God's plan for me, regardless of what that was going to be. God assures us that where two or more are gathered in prayer, He will answer. And I asked everyone I could think of to petition God for a healthy baby for us. And He answered yes. With this second pregnancy, we were told the baby had a 1:35 chance of having Down's. I went home devastated and called all of my praying friends asking for their prayers that the baby was healthy. The next day, I went back to the doctor's office because I wanted to see the test results in person. They took me to a back room, and began apologizing profusely...they had given me the wrong numbers. My first thought in the midst of my tears of joy, was how wonderful God was and that while I knew He would answer my prayers, I wasn't expecting an answer so quickly.

    I know I am not alone in praying every day for Kristy and Chad to have a healthy baby. And I know that God is going to answer these prayers and bring more joy to their lives than they ever imagined possible.

    I will also pray for you, Kelly and Anonymous (by the way, since you're so "bold" with your comments, why are you hiding behind the veil of "anonymous"?!). I don't know what your problem is, and quite frankly I don't care. But it saddens me that you can't see what a miracle that each life is...whether or not it is "healthy". We don't wish for our babies to have fatal conditions. But when it happens, it is part of God's plan. And as time passes, we are able to see the impact that these precious lives had on our own life and on the lives of those around us because we are forever changed for the better due to the love and courage of our lost babies. I hope that one day you are able to open your eyes to the glory of God and His daily miracles. And to the power of prayer and the peace and comfort that it brings. For you both seem to be very bitter about something.

    Finally, I am asking you politely to leave this blog and never return. This is a sacred area dedicated to the memory of Haley and the healing of her parents. There is no room for judgement or criticism here. If you are looking for a place to express these types of opinions, I suggest you go find some liberal women's pro-abortion site where I am sure you find many kindred spirits. You are not welcomed here.

  12. Kristy,

    Regarding's privacy policy: I found this on their help page, in case you want to make your blog private (I think it is available for public viewing right now)...

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    Stay strong and true, Kristy. These negative comments are evil and their only purpose is to try to rob you of the blessings that God has in store for you. Keep your eyes and your heart focused on those of us who are behind you and supporting you.


  13. Kristy, you are very lucky to have friends like Tobie. She seems to be very centered and kind. Best wishes in your healing. My thoughts are with you and Chad every day.

  14. It is very difficult to keep myself from saying some really horrible things... Those two antagonistic, insensitive, inconsiderate boneheads aren't worth a second of your precious time. I'm trying to understand...Since we lost our first daughter to an awful neural tube defect, anencephaly, we shouldn't have given birth to our two wonderfully healthy babies???? Really? So, it is better for babies to come into the world to people who don't take care of them or don't want them than it is for them to be born to people who love them, and want them more than anything??? ANY time ANYONE gets pregnant, they are taking a chance that something could go wrong (obviously, I would think, as none of us planned on losing our precious angels.) You and Chad are two of the best parents I have ever seen. I truly hope that you guys bless the world with at least 10 more little Stevelt-Mitchell's. I cannot wait to see little Haley Bug's little brother or sister!!! The dog is adorable by the way...I could almost hear "Cupcake" yelling for you to come get her.....I must tell you...that's how I ended up with Coltrane Warden...He was a very welcome distraction, and I am thankful everyday for all that he did for me. It's weird, but no one can be there for you like a doggy... I'm sorry...I know my thoughts are all over the place, but I'm shaking I'm so angry. I should also add that I love and agree with everything Tobie said. Eliana is a huge part of our everday life, Evie takes her flowers, and gives her pictures kisses, and talks about her all the time. I'll end by saying that you are one of the most selfless people I have ever known, and I am forever grateful that you share your delightful, beloved little Haley Bug with us. Sending lots of love and prayers your way...-Tish

    P.S. I love you dearly Haley Bug...

  15. Kristy, seems like you have alot of wonderful/kind friends who look after you and who are there for you and those comments from anonymous and kelly were way out of line. any baby would be so lucky to have parents like you and your husband. your new baby is also gonna be lucky to have such a wonderful guardian angel like haley. May god bless you and your husband with many babies to come, good luck girl:)


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