Saturday, January 16, 2010

So glad it's the weekend!

"I love it when Mommy makes kissy noises and gets closer and closer and closer and then gives me a BIG smooch! I smile big, chuckle, and scrunch up my face in anticipation!"

"Isn't my new hat cute??"

"I love my stuffed chicken-thing that laughs and giggles when I shake it!"

Haley got her third RSV shot today and she was a tough little girl and only cried a little bit for it! (Or so Grandma reports, I chickened out and left.) She's been a happy cookie and more awake this evening than she has been the past couple days. She ate a tiny bit better and we'll take whatever we can get! She's been so smiley and chuckling a bunch tonight. I think she's glad to have her Daddy home to spend time with her, she misses him during the week when he's gone at work all day and has to go to bed early! I know I like having him home. :)

We've had a productive Friday evening. Since Daddy's been home and could hold Haley-bug for me, I had time to box up all her clothes she's outgrown and all of the clothes Cousin Kylee has been nice enough to share with Haley that way we can ship them back to her! It was really sad to box up those little outfits though, I just kept thinking of how cute she was in them, and where she'd gone and what we'd done while she was wearing them, and the fact that she's too big now and won't get to ever wear them again! I guess that's a good thing, but it was still sad! It was good to get her nursery cleaned up and organized though, it was really over flowing with clothes. Then I took down our Christmas tree finally, which I realize was long over due but I still thought it was sad to take that down too - it was Haley's first Christmas tree! At least that won't be hanging over my head any more though. Though they were both kind of sad chores, it feels good to have them done!


  1. I know exactly how you feel about boxing up clothes! I get so emotional. I gave some away but I've kept a lot of them. They are in our storage unit for now until I can decide which to save and which to give away.

    I love that she is smiling all the time now!

  2. You have SUCH a gorgeous little girl, Kristy! I want to see her in person soon! She is just precious!

    I know it feels good to organize your kids' rooms! I need to do that VERY soon myself - we are overflowing!

    Great pics!

    Hope all is well, Mama!

    Kate :)


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