Monday, January 4, 2010

Attack of the Paparazzi!

Haley-bug hypnotized by the T.V. I love how her hands folded on her chest like that make her look like a little sea otter.

"Hi, Mommy! Don't you want to pick me up?"

"I'm a pro at grabbing Elephant's rings these days, he's my favorite toy."

Haley played in her exersaucer for ~15 minutes today! She gets a little frustrated because she's not quite big enough to reach many of the toys yet, but she will be soon!

"I am a happy clam!"

"This is my ornery smirk!"

"I think Mommy's new hat is funny!"

Haley-bug laughed for the first time today!! After I changed her diaper, I was blowing raspberries on her belly and tickling her sides and she chuckled until she laughed! It was the most beautiful sound ever! She is our adorable, wonderful, lovely critter-bug!


  1. Thanks for posting all the pictures. I can't see enough of her!!

  2. I love looking at her photos! She certainly has grown a lot. She suddenly looks older.She really looks like her mama. Although, I can totally see daddy in the last picture!

  3. Cute pictures! I love when she's attacked by the papparazi!

    She's so sweet and I'm glad she's giggling. Now that Spencer and I have spare time we plan to come visit SOON!


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