Saturday, January 2, 2010

Josiah and Haley sitting in a tree...

Today was a lovely day at home. Haley-bug was a happy clam this morning, a little bit grouch-pickley this afternoon, and is now a happy clam again this evening! We had an extra fun evening because John, Holly, and Josiah Demmler came over for dinner. I made a tasty potato soup, some wheat bread in our bread machine, fruit salad, and brownies. Josiah was quite the gentleman and brought Haley a rose and 2 bottles of wine to have with dinner! Then he tried to hold her hand, but that made her cry. However after a nap and getting to know each other a little better Haley decided that she would like to hold Josiah's hand (see picture)! Is this a budding romance?? We'll see. :)
It was adorable when they first got here and set Josiah on the couch. Tucker thought he needed to rub himself all over Josiah, and obviously Josiah found this hilarious and kept laughing and laughing. (See video) It was just too cute. He's such a happy little guy. And during dinner Josiah partied it up in Haley's exersaucer that she got for Christmas - I think he is now pestering his parents to get one for him.
Our furnace isn't working since we got home last night, thank goodness for our woodburner. It is nice and toasty in the living room and we've pulled Haley's pack n' play over close to the woodburner so she can stay toasty warm at night. We managed to sleep in our room since we have a heated mattress pad, but I did have to sleep with my nose under the comforter. Shack, my parents dog was here, and he kept trying to sneak out in the living room to sleep by the fire - he couldn't figure out why we'd want to sleep in a cold bedroom! Dad came over and looked at the furnace today and can see that some part is broken on it, so hopefully the furnace people can come out and look at it and fix it on Monday. It's good to have alternative heat sources in Hocking county, yay for lovely woodburners! The cats are thrilled too because we got a 'tent' from Mimi that goes over the pack n' play so I don't have to worry about them jumping in her bed at night, which means they don't have to go out on the porch anymore. They're quite happy to get to stay in and sleep by the fire too.
Alright, goodnight for now! I'm off to snuggle by the fire with Chadmo, Haley-bug, the dogs, and the cats and watch Men in Black.


  1. Too cute!! What a romantic little guy - bringing Haley a rose and wine!!

  2. LOL Cute babies all over! I love it!


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