Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More Laughter!

Hmm...what color will her eyes end up being?
"Modeling the sweatshirt Mimi got for me while she was on vacation this summer!"

More Haley-bug laughs today! After she'd taken a nap, woke up, and had a bottle, I was carrying her around and was giving her lots of neck smooches and she kept laughing and laughing! It was too cute and it just made me want to eat her up! Tonight we watched the movie 'Up', Haley napped through the first half but then really watched the second half. We sat in the rocking chair together and she never made a peep, so I assume she really liked it! It was a cute movie and I'd highly recommend it, wish I could get my hands on 3 of those dog collars...

1 comment:

  1. We watched "Up" as well! Weird. I don't know how its possible but she keeps getting cuter!


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