Sunday, January 3, 2010

Last day of Christmas break

Haley-bug getting ready to head to Columbus for Sydney & Spencer's wedding - all bundled up!

Playing with her Vtech ball at Katy & Greg's house, Dax doesn't understand why we won't let him play with Haley!

Chadmo and Me at Syd & Spencer's wedding reception.

We had a wonderful Sunday (except for the fact that I woke up sick - sore throat, ear ache, etc), Haley-bug was super happy and playful! She's getting so good at sitting up in her bumbo chair, and loves to play with her new Leap Frog caterpillar and Vtech ball that Grandma and Grandpoppy got for her for Christmas. We've also discovered recently that she's a bit of a TV lover and since I wasn't feeling very well today I'm ashamed to admit that I let her watch lots of TV with me. We watched parts of the movies White Fang, Hocus Pocus, and Idiocracy, so I can't even pretend it was educational TV. I guess I'll have to get some Baby Einstein videos so if we have a TV day again I can feel a little less guilty about it!
Chadmo was working on homework most of the day, and I'm feeling a little sad that he has to go back to work tomorrow. However, I'm also excited to go back to work myself on Tuesday afternoon. Hopefully I won't have forgotten everything I learned in vet school! But this Christmas break has been a much needed break for us, and I've really enjoyed it. I loved having Chadmo home with us, and all of us getting to spend lots of time with Grandma, Grandpoppy, Mimi, and Aunt Kelly. Hopefully we will get to take some vacation time this summer for the first time since our Honeymoon - I'm sure Haley would like to go to the beach! It's nice to take a little time off for something other than the hospital!

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