Monday, January 25, 2010

Mimi has left the building :(

Daddy holding Haley-bug all bundled up by the fire after her bath!
My two cuties! Not necessarily the best angle, but I had to capture the full extent of the pink cuteness!
"Mommy, why don't you ever let me wear anything other than your favorite snail outfit?"
Well, we are home alone again. All our company from this weekend has headed back to Wooster or Columbus! Great Grandma Stevelt came over this afternoon so we wouldn't feel totally abandoned all in one whack, and it was lots of fun to see her! Haley was training her how to walk the floors, like she's trained all of us! No sitting down with that little girl!

Haley-bug's been a sleepy monster this evening. She mostly slept from 5 pm - 9 pm, though she did wake up for a little while and eat. I hope she will still go to bed for me tonight! After she woke up we gave her a bath and thankfully she's back to loving baths! She has some little animals that squirt water and she thinks they are quite funny. She especially likes it when they squirt each other, but is not too sure about it when they squirt her! Now she smells lovely and lotion-y and in case she doesn't feel well after her vaccinations tomorrow it will be okay if she skips one of her normal bath days. (She has her 4 month check up and vaccines tomorrow - a little late!)

Yesterday I didn't mention the most exciting thing - Haley waved 4 times in a row at 4 different people! Sydney and Spencer had stopped by to visit, and when they were walking out the door Syd waved at Haley - and she waved back! So then we had Spencer wave at her, and she did it again! After they left we had Chad wave at her, and he had to wave twice but then she waved at him, and afterwards she waved at Mimi too! It was so cute! We haven't been able to get her to repeat it totally, but maybe she's not convinced that we're actually leaving like Sydney and Spencer were! She would actually pick her arm up, wave, and put it down between each 'waving'. How fun!

Today when I was at the grocery store I bought some Rice cereal and I think we might try that soon! Should be fun, we'll be sure to take lots of pictures! :)

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