Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mimi, Aunt Kelly, Jenny, & Guy are here!

"I like Farrah. She's soft and her tongue feels like sandpaper! I like to watch her walking around the room. Maybe I'm learning to pet her?"

"Mommy, don't you want to pet Farrah too?"

Unfortunately we didn't hear from Children's Hospital today about when Haley's surgery would be. :( I called up a couple of times this afternoon, and each time someone was supposed to go find out, call me back, and let me know - but that never happened. The nurse did warn me on Wednesday that we might not find out till Monday or Tuesday, and I guess she knows better than the doctor! Still I'm anxious to know, and I know a lot of you are too as we've gotten several inquiring phone calls this evening. Sorry we don't have a date to share yet.

Some good news - Haley-bug at 725 ml today! YAY Tylenol!! :) Maybe if she keeps it up we could push the surgery back to 6 months... That would be wonderful! But I'll try not to get my hopes up too high yet. She's sound asleep in Mimi's lap as I type, which probably means I should be sound asleep too...

We had lots of guests tonight at our house for dinner - 8 people was about as many as my little dining room can manage! I made potato soup, french bread, fruit salad, and a cheesecake pie - yum yum, if I do say so myself! Haley seemed a bit overwhelmed by so much company and so many dogs (6), she was pretty serious the whole time and it was difficult to elicit smiles! She didn't nap much with all the excitement, so I think she has zonked out early for the evening. I'm off to do the same! Good night and Good weekend!

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