Friday, January 29, 2010

Our Little Nudist

"Normally I hate to be weighed, but lately my love of being naked has outweighed (no pun intended, haha) my hatred of being weighed - Yay!" "Oh, there's that flashy thing again! It follows me everywhere!"
"Yay, I love it when they tell me I'm cute!"
Once again, who thinks my baby doesn't eat enough?!? They're crazy! :) She's the cutest little, rolly-polly love-bug we could ask for! Lots of big, loud laughs tonight - makes my day! And she weighed in at 6.18 kg today (13 lbs 9 oz), we might make it to 14 lbs before her second surgery which would be wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Precious! That is one happy, well-fed baby ;)


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