Thursday, January 7, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Playing with Mimi at Aunt Kelly's over New Year's!

It's quite the winter wonderland here in Hocking county today! It started snowing around noon and really hasn't let up, it's just beautiful outside. The local schools had a 2 hour early dismissal and they've already cancelled school for tomorrow, so that's great for Grandma! :) Now I'm just rooting for a Level 3 in the early morning so Chadmo doesn't have to go to work! But cleared off in the afternoon so we can make it to Haley's recheck appointment at Children's...I don't ask for much. :D
It has been an exciting week around here as far as Haley milestones go! She laughed for the first time on the 4th, which was amazing and beautiful though we have not been graced with its' reoccurrence yet. Then on the 5th & 6th she discovered her hands! She spent hours just holding them in front of her face, clasping them, twisting them around, and seeing how she could move and grab things with them! I've never seen anything cuter! Now she's become quite adept at grabbing things and putting them in her mouth - my thumb, the rings on her elephant, stuffed animals, etc. It has been so much fun!
Unfortunately her eating has been really struggling these last few days. Yesterday she didn't even meet her 'minimum for hydration' which is only 590 ml/19.5 oz. We've only given one lasix dose out of the last six. But she seems completely normal otherwise, and continues to peck away at gaining weight. So hopefully she'll get out of this eating funk soon and get back to eating in the 700's! She has her second recheck since her redo surgery tomorrow at 1:45 pm (if we can make it through the snow), and we are praying that all is well and that this poor eating streak is just a finicky baby thing.
I had my first day back at work today, and it felt really great if rather slow since most people cancelled due to the terrible weather. I did get to see a 14 year old dog that was in right sided congestive heart failure - he's had long term heart problems so it wasn't a new thing to the owners - and had severe ascites as well as diarrhea. Then, what probably sounds like more fun to most people, we vaccinated and did physical exams on 12 labrador retriever puppies (4 yellow, 8 black) that were 6 weeks old! They were oh so cute and smelled wonderfully of puppy breath. They all looked great, though one did have a minor heart murmur which hopefully he'll outgrow. I do love my job! And I extra love that Haley is a lucky baby and gets to have Grandma babysit her just across the driveway from Mommy's work! :) When I got home I asked Haley what she thought of having a working Mommy and she gave me a BIG smile! (Which probably really means she was happy to see me again and wishes I wouldn't go away in the first place...) ;)
Alright, hope you're all staying warm!

1 comment:

  1. Look at those adorable cheeks! I bet they are squishy and sweet smelling!

    Congrats! First laughs are amazing. The best sound in the world until they say "mom" :) I hope you can get a video of the encore!

    Thank you for taking care of animals!


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