Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Laughed again!

Haley-bug playing with some of her billions of toys!

Her smiles were too elusive to catch on camera today unfortunately! I think she's teething and that's making her a bit fussier.

"That's my puppy, Ruby! She's soft!"

Haley-bug laughed again today, finally! I was at work unfortunately, but she laughed out loud for Grandma, and I'm so glad that someone else has finally gotten to hear it too! Hopefully she'll start laughing all the time now! :)


  1. I love baby laughs. Best thing, EVER.

    The last picture is SO SWEET! Haley is so lucky to have so many animals around her all the time! Sophia LOVES animals but only gets to see kitty when we visit grandma & grandpa's house. Although, we're moving and George is going to live with us! She'll be so excited!

  2. Haley and Ruby - beautiful picture! Please email that pic to me so I can make a copy. Thanks!


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