Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The paparazzi strikes again!!!

"I love to chew on the super cool ball Grandmum Wisconsin sent me - too bad my silly sleep sack kept puffing up and getting in my way! (This was taken at ~1 am, so I was supposed to be sleeping... ha!)"
Haley-bug's first time in her high chair - she liked it!
"What is this gross stuff you're trying to feed me Mom? It kind of tastes like cardboard!"
"I was a good girl and played with my ball in my high chair while everyone cleaned up after dinner!"
A day of firsts for Miss Haley-bug! Her first time sitting in her high chair, which she really enjoyed! It was amazing because both Chad and I got to eat dinner at the same time - yay! And her first time trying rice cereal - which she mostly thought was strange. She didn't really act like she disliked it, she just didn't really seem interested or to know what to do with it. I don't think she ever even swallowed any, just sort of slobbered it about, but it was cute! We'll try again in a couple of weeks...

Bug is a demanding little drama llama these days! She isn't content to even just have you stand and bounce her, now she wants you to walk all around the house with her. It's too bad the weather isn't at least a little warmer out and we could go outside and walk. Spring needs to hurry up and get here soon! She's wearing me out though, that's for sure, but maybe it will help me to lose my lingering baby weight!

We had to cancel Haley's 4 month appointment today because I completely forgot that Chad's car is out at my parents' house and that he drove my car to work! So no car to go to the doctor's in, but it's been rescheduled for next Friday with is fine with me. Can you tell I'm not overly anxious to take her to get more shots?? ;) Tomorrow the Physical Therapist from Help Me Grow of Hocking county is coming to see her and check her development. Hopefully all will go well with that!


  1. Cute pictures! I like it when you post this early enough for me to see it the same day!

  2. Aw! In the first photo Haley looks like a happy little chubby squirrel holding onto an acorn. You should stop posting so many cute pictures all at once! ;)I love her high chair! I just love green/brown combination. It won't be long until she is throwing carrots and rubbing avocado in her hair.


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