Sunday, January 17, 2010

Flashback Saturday

A picture of Haley-bug from New Year's Eve at Aunt Kelly's!
Aunt Kelly giving Haley-bug a bottle on Haley's first night away from both Mommy & Daddy - New Year's Eve - they had lots of fun together! :)
Haley-bug, Chadmo, and I are all up in Columbus staying with Aunt Katy & Uncle Greg tonight and tomorrow night! We are trying to finish up getting all the junk out of our house and getting it all cleaned up so it can be listed again finally on Monday (hopefully!) Tonight we pawned some of our furniture we were going to donate to the Good Will off on Adam Rice (another friend) because he just rented a new apartment, so that was good for all! Then we all had dinner at Katy and Greg's, tasty Mexican, and Haley enjoyed entertaining everyone. She also enjoyed seeing Mommy & Daddy's old house and Adam's new apartment! Now she's sacked out, so we better hit the hay too! Happy weekend everyone!

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