Tuesday, January 12, 2010

13 pound baby!

Her hands are always in her mouth these days!

Haley-bug officially weighs 13 pounds 0.3 ounces today! Yay!! :) We had a momentary set back with the 1/2 pound of weight loss while we were in the hospital, but now we've over come it and gained a whole other pound to boot!!! Go Haley! I can't believe she's getting to be such a big girl.

I had my second afternoon back to work today and I have to admit that I just loved it. I do truly love my job. Though I hate being away from Haley, it's great to know she's with her Grandma and it's so much fun to have her be so happy to see me when I get home! Today I took care of a snake who had been attacked by the rat it was supposed to eat and had at least a dozen bite wounds all over it. I scrubbed him with betadine and sent a prescription for silver sulfadiazine cream, per the recommendations of my friend who is an exotics vet and snake owner himself. Then I vaccinated a couple dogs and lastly I did a fertility exam on a 7 year old male labrador retriever. It was a good day and I got to do a couple out of the ordinary things, so that was extra fun!

Alright, I think Bug is going to bed strangely early (11:30 pm!) so I better wrap this up and go to bed myself. Night all!

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