Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sleepy Sunday

Haley-bug and I had a good Sunday hanging out with Katy today while Chadmo and Greg-O worked on our Columbus house (yet again!) Haley went to bed late last night and unfortunately she woke up earlier than usual this morning so she was a bit of a fuss pot today. She was really fighting the naps, but when she finally caved in around 5 pm she woke up a much happier girl afterwards! Since it wasn't so freezing cold out today we got to go for a couple of walks around Worthington - we went to my favorite store, Fritzy Jacobs, and got Haley an awesome night light! Later we took Katy & Greg's dog Dax for a walk around the neighborhood. It was Haley's first venture out in the Baby Bjorn frontward facing (besides Fritzy Jacobs which she was pretty fussy for) and I think she really enjoyed herself, she just kept looking up at the sky and trees like they were amazing! It sprinkled some while we were walking and she also enjoyed sticking her tongue out and licking rain drops, seriously.
Unfortunately there was a lot more junk in our house than I anticipated, and the goal of getting rid of it all and cleaning the house was far too ambitious for a day and half's worth of work time, especially with a Haley-bug in tow to limit the number of available workers. But we have gotten far enough that now we will just have to pay someone to come haul away all the trash and clean the house so hopefully they can still get it listed this week. At this point I think the cost of hiring those chores done will be less than waiting around for us to do it and having yet another mortgage payment on an empty house! Wish us luck that our house lists this week and sells PRONTO! *fingers crossed*
We've enjoyed our stay at Katy & Greg's! It's really good to get out of the house! Even when I go to work I just walk across the driveway, so it's nice to have a change in scenery. Hopefully now that we are getting the hang of traveling with Haley we will come up more often. It worked out well this weekend too because she has a recheck appointment at Children's Hospital tomorrow at 1 pm. We're praying for all good news again, she's back to being a poor eater and I hope it's just finicky baby stuff again. She's certainly getting to be our big, alert, happy (most of the time) girl! Alright, hope you've all had a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good time. Nothing better than getting outside!
    Missing the three of you. Please call when you leave Children's tomm.


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