Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year - 2012!!

"Oh - hello there!"

"You caught me snuggling in a big girl bed!"

"Mommy - I promise I would sleep ALLLLL night if you would just let me snuggle in between you & Daddy all night..." :) (Every day I have another new favorite picture!)

The Haley & Dylan apple pie I made for New Year's Eve dinner - it was quite tasty if I do say so myself. :) (I must give Grandpoppy credit for peeling the apples for me, I do hate to peel apples.)

A picture of Dylan from today - 1/1/2012 - modeling the outfit Mimi gave her on the day she was born. She was pretty sleepy when I thought to do a photo shoot, so no smiles, but this will have to do. :) We think her sleepy face is awfully cute too!

We are so excited for all the fun things that are going to happen in 2012 - Aunt Kelly & Jesse are gettin' hitched on June 2nd; Dylly, Chadmo, Grandma, Grandpoppy, & I are all going to Surf City in June for Dyl's first trip to the beach - and just for life in general, watching our Dylan-roo grow & change. Chad & I couldn't help but think about New Year's day 2011 and compare it to New Year's day 2012. Last year we were at our friend's lake house, and while we were there we found out we weren't pregnant, again, on NYE. Needless to say, New Year's day with no Haley, no pregnancy, and burned pork & sauerkraut (long story), was a sad state of affairs and I was mostly a crying mess. (I'm sorry Maggie, Katy, Greg, & Chad!) This New Year's Eve was spent with Chadmo snuggling our sweet Dylly swaddled in his arms, while we watched a movie together and then drank champagne together at midnight. Talk about a 180! Life is so much better now, and we are so incredibly thankful for the amazing blessing that is Dylan. (And of course, we always think about New Year's day 2010 with our snuggle-y Haley-Bug, and what a wonderful day that was - up in Columbus at Aunt Kelly's house after the Waugh's wedding. We miss you every minute of every hour of every day still, Haley-bug. We love you so much.) We toasted both our baby girls at midnight last night - they are the lights of our lives!

Wishing you all a wonderful 2012!

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