Saturday, January 28, 2012

4 months old!

A moment of reflection, sitting in her bumbo chair in the window seat.

Reviewing the last 4 months - we both think they've gone pretty darn well. I think we'll keep each other! :)

Studying her feet - a new discovery for Dylan in the past couple of weeks! Those are interesting little critters attached to her legs. :)

We had a very fun 4-month birthday with Dylan today. She slept well last night, was a very happy girl all day today, napped well, and then we went over to the Dickersons' for a tasty dinner & dessert with their clan and Katy & Greg. Dylan was a model citizen while we were there, and had the MOST adorable bout of laughing to date. Greg G was holding her and Katy was tickling her feet, and Dylan would just laugh, and laugh, and laugh! Katy didn't even have to touch her feet, she could just get close to them and Dylan would just laugh so hard. It was the most laughing she's ever done, and true, hearty laughter - not just short giggles or chuckles! It was beyond adorable! A wonderful 4-month milestone! She really had a good time there tonight, she thinks Greta (6 months), Emrie (4 years) and Henry (2 years) are so fascinating. Emrie made her a present - a wooden frame she painted and then wrote Dylan's name on, and signed on the back - it is too cute! I'll have to get a picture in it and then post a picture of it on here. :) Heather also gave Dylan & I a joint gift of a teething necklace - Dyl already liked to hold on to it, and I know she's going to love to gnaw on it soon. :) Katy & Greg brought dessert tonight, a lemon mousse cake from a bakery in Columbus, and it was DAIRY FREE! It was so delicious, and my taste buds were extremely excited to have a heavenly dessert of a different variety pass by their way. YUM! Yay for fun nights with good food and great friends!

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