Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sleep-in Saturday

Dyl helping us make a delicious brunch of egg and turkey sausage english muffin sandwiches, fried potatoes, and oranges. She sat in her highchair the whole time we were cooking, and while we ate - what a good baby!

Trying out her new ride - it's very icy outside today, so we did some in-the-house strolling. She seemed to like it! We're excited to test it out at the mall tomorrow. :)

Well, she seemed to like it so long as it was moving. Not so much when it was sitting still for photo opps.

And I just think this picture is too cute for words! She's a very helpful baby, she does lots of chores already. In this moment she was upstairs helping Daddy shred junk mail. I wish I looked this cute doing chores around the house!

A big thank you to Chadmo for playing with Miss Dyl all morning so I could sleep in and catch up on some much needed Zzz's. We were in bed at midnight last night, I got up with her at 3:15 and fed her, then Chadmo got her back to bed. Then she slept till 8:45, and he brought her to me to nurse in bed and then took her out to the living room to play for the morning so I could go back to sleep. He brought her back for me to nurse again at 11:20 am, took her again, and I went back to sleep AGAIN! I slept in till 1:00 pm, laid about for a bit, got out of bed at 1:15, and Dyl woke up from her nap at 1:20 pm. Wow, talk about some much, much needed sleep. I even took at nap from 4:30-6 too, I have been absolutely wiped out the last couple of weeks. So thank you to Chadmo for taking care of Dylan, and thank you to Dylan for putting in some reasonably long stretches so I could actually catch up a bit!! Dylan's been a wonderfully happy girl today, and it's been a nice day at home. I love the weekends!

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