Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Aunt Kelly!

Today is Aunt Kelly's THIRTY-FIRST birthday!! Happy Birthday Kelly! Dylan, Chadmo, Mom, & I met Kelly at Red Lobster's in Lancaster for her birthday dinner (unfortunately Poppy is still recovering from the stomach flu and had to miss out.) We did the same thing (plus Poppy) for Kelly's birthday in 2010 with Haley-Bug, Red Lobster was one of the few public places Bug got to go to! So it was fun to get to repeat that mini-tradition. :)

Dylan and I also met up with the Dickerson-Howdyshell-Martin clan at the fairgrounds today and went for a walk to soak up some of the incredible, sunny, 60 degree weather. It was a fun walk and good to get out, even though Dylan and Greta took turns making sure at least one baby was crying at all times during the walk!

Dyl officially hates riding in the car, and can only be consoled even part of the time by someone riding in the back seat. She isn't even consoled by her white noise in the car, but she does seem to be showing a preference for male country singers (think "Country Boys Can Survive" - I think she'd like to spit some beechnut in my eye for making her ride in the car...) So it sort of feels like she screamed from 4:30-9:50 today, but that's an exaggeration. She was happy in Target & at Red Lobster! She likes to get out, she just doesn't like the process of getting there. Any advice or suggestions?!?

Dylly is now an expert at grabbing her rings! She's starting to pull them to her mouth and chew on them a little bit too, could we be teething already?

Reading books with Daddy - this little girl LOVES her daddy!

Bianca, Ruby, & Farrah - observing Chadmo & Dylan playing on the floor. I'm pretty sure they're thinking "Suckers! They're on the floor and we're on the couch!"

One of my two pretty blue-eyed boys, Forrest.

Dylan smiling at me after a nursing session - we do love to snuggle on the boppy! I am so grateful we persisted and made nursing work, it's such an incredible bonding experience and we both really love it. (Not to mention the health benefits for Roo & the weight loss benefits for me.) I'd highly recommend it to anyone, even if it was one of the most challenging things I've ever done to start with.

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