Monday, January 23, 2012

Family Self Portrait

At least we managed to get Dyl to look at the camera, even if we couldn't trick her into smiling for it! :)

Ruby, Tucker, & Forrest decided they wanted in on the action too!

I think Dylan did really like her new Hanna pajamas last night - she slept 9.5 hours straight!! (And in her crib! Both times she's slept through the night before, she was in her swing.) Perhaps the combination of hanging out with that magically sleeping Jett, being out and about all day in Lancaster yesterday, and wearing her new wonderful p.j.s, combined for a wondrous night of sleep! In any case - go Dylly!

Today was a lovely day, on top of our good night's sleep. Dylan was very happy for a couple hours this morning. We went out to visit Grandpoppy at work - he is crippled after a volleyball injury to his knee and is on crutches at the moment. :( (Get well soon Grandpoppy!) Then we came back in and Dylan took a 3 hour nap! (2 hours of which I napped with her, and the last hour was perfect for having lunch and doing some chores around the house.) Then at 4:00, our friends Lindsey, Drew (3), and Brooke (9 months) Perry came to visit us and hang out for a couple of hours. It was lots of fun to have some grown up, fellow Mommy conversation in my day, and Dylan & I both though Drew & Brooke were so cool & so much fun to watch. We need to get together more, Lindsey! After they left, Dyl and I went back out to the clinic to visit Grandpoppy some more. And now we've been having a lovely evening at home with Chadmo.

No work for me tomorrow. Poor Grandma has had strep throat and actually had to stay home from school today. :( So no babysitter means no work for me. We think Grandma has been sick entirely too much lately, and traveling, which has combined to mean we haven't seen her hardly at all in the last 3-4 weeks! It's terrible! Get well soon, Grandma/Mom, and then please stay well!! We miss you!


  1. Entirely too long. So glad we got to spend time together today!

  2. We had a great visit with you and, yes, we definitely need to get together more often! Before long Dylan will be on the move and it will be a ball to watch her and Brooke play together. :)


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