Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A gorgeous day for a walk

Dylan sporting her super awesome strawberry hat on our walk today. :)

60 degrees in January? Yes, please! Dylan and I took advantage of the gorgeous weather and soaked up some lovely sunshine on a walk in town with Heather, Emrie, Henry, & Greta Dickerson. It was most lovely, and made even more lovely by the fact that Dylan didn't fuss in the car on the way there or back, or during our walk - please, please let this be the start of something new & wonderful!

I had a good afternoon at work and Dylan and Grandma had a good afternoon together (they both got a nice nap in - sounds excellent to me! :)) Chadmo had to work very late today, till 9 pm, and then he had to pick up dinner for himself on the way home, so he wasn't home until 10. Poor Chadmo. :( Mom was nice enough to hang out with Dylan and me until 9, and to fix us a delicious steak dinner. It was fun to have an evening of just girls, though I know it makes for an extra long day for Mom since she has to get up at 6 am for school. Thanks for keeping us company, Mom! :)

Dylan was already in the swaddled, going to bed phase by the time Chadmo got home. She's been very scream-y about going to sleep tonight, I'm not really sure what that was all about. Let's hope she wore herself out and sleeps well so that there's some benefit from it. As predicted by yesterdays lack of naps, she slept terribly last night. This mama is wiped out & hoping for a better night's sleep tonight - good night all!

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