Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Miss Serious

Dylan is being Miss Serious this evening for her photo shoot - she's really been very smiley today, so I guess I just picked the wrong time to take her picture! She's not unhappy, just in one of her serious, absorbing-every-little-thing moods - my mom says she gets that from me. Apparently I was a serious baby too (see picture below). I guess she comes by it honestly... ;)

Naked feetie smooches - she loves them and curls her toes all up and stretches her legs out for them!

"I see you with that camera, Daddy..."

There's a little half smile!

Telling Daddy something very important. I love our little chatter box. :) Today she was trying to imitate me blowing raspberries (without any success), she kept making a "buuh" sound but without the associated lip vibrations. It was most adorable and quite funny - I love watching her learn!

Hello, my bright-eyed, floof-haired, cutie-patootie pants!

Today was productive - Dyl and I roasted a chicken & yams, set the table, made a batch of cookie dough, and did a load of laundry before Daddy got home. It probably doesn't sound like much, but for us it's progress! Go team!

1 comment:

  1. The little half smile picture is so cute! I can't believe how big she is already. Sure hope this cold goes away quickly so I can have some quality Dlyan time soon!


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