Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hi ho, hi ho

Today was my first afternoon back to work, and Dyl's first afternoon having Grandma babysit her (well, without me in the house). Grandma said Dylan was an incredibly happy baby, and my afternoon went well too - so we'll call it a success! Yay! :)

Here's a picture of Miss Dylan from this morning, playing with her butterflies.

"Hi Mommy! Are you going to miss me today while you're at work?" "Yes I will, Dylly, 100%!"

"Hmm...I'm pretty sure crinkly dog would taste delicious if I could just get him into my mouth..." (Humorous side note: I didn't even notice the cat laying on her head until I was picking out pictures for the blog. Can you tell we're a pet filled household?? And that Dylan's not particularly phased by cat hats?)


Anything crinkly is fabulous is Miss Dylan's mind these days, and pretty much everything goes straight into her mouth!

"Oh no, I can't decide which toy I want to play with! I'll just try to play with the butterflies, crinkly dog, & the kitty all at once!"

I was SO happy to see Dylan after 2.5 hours of work, and I think she was pretty happy to see me too because she truly laughed for the first time ever! She's chuckled before, but this was a real laugh! And it was accompanied by a million smiles! It was oh so wonderful, the best reward for working I've ever had! (Though I guess really it was a reward for being done working. :))

Alright, my little girl is in bed, so I better be in bed too. Good night, all!

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