Friday, January 20, 2012

(This baby's outfit lies.)

SUPER DYLLY... to the rescue!! (Her outfit says "Sound Sleeper", but that's clearly not her super baby power ;), so perhaps she rescues people from bad musical notes?)

"Hee hee, I mock this outfit's sentiment, but I do look awfully cute in it!"

I just LOVE my smiley girl!

Do you see the bubble under that ornery smirk?? Dyl is an expert bubble blower these days, this is just a small example. And as of this evening, she can also blow raspberries!! (Only when she's complaining, but it's still super adorable. Now even her complaining is cute!)

It's so cute, whenever she thinks something's really fun and silly, she smiles big and crinkles forward. Almost like it's so funny she can't keep herself upright. Of course, this does make it challenging to photograph those big smiles at times!

"Look at me - standing up, all by myself!" *cough cough*

It was most adorable this evening, Chadmo was lying on the floor next to Dylan while she was playing in her play gym, and she reached over and grabbed his nose. She just kept a good hold on it for awhile, as if to say "I caught you Daddy!" :)

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