Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dylan's on a roll!

Dylan ROLLED OVER for the first time today! She was in her crib, after just waking up for the morning. I'd unswaddled her and I was talking to her while she was smiling. She kept rolling onto her side, facing me. So I knelt down and talked to her through the slats of the crib to encourage her to "come over" to me, and she did! I clapped and cheered and jumped about which made her have a BIG smile - and then she started fussing because she was stuck in that horrible tummy time position! It was so cute & so exciting - and I'm SO glad she did it when I was watching! Go Dylan! :) Then, for more excitement all in one day, she started grabbing her bare feet today while I was changing her - another first! Our sweet Dylly-Roo is growing up so fast!

Here she is on the play-gym at Grandma & Grandpa's house on Sunday, looking rather serious & very 80's!

Not the best picture of Dyl, but here she is playing with her new favorite toy - it has 4 'bugs' on it, and 4 different types of triggers that make them pop up. There's a lever, a knob to twist, a thing you slide side to side, and a button. She can do all of them except the knob, which I find most impressive! She really thinks it's fun too, though sometimes she gets frustrated that she can't make the knob bug (yellow bug) pop up, so I have to help her out from time to time with that one so she doesn't get too mad. I'll have to take a picture of just the toy itself later, it's an excellent baby toy - good job Santa Grandma!

It's so exciting to have Dylan reach these big milestones and it seems like she's learning something new or doing something impressive every day now! I'm so grateful that I get to be home with her 95% of the time so I can be here for all of these big moments with her - she's my sweet pea. <3

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