Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lazy Sunday

Daddy trying to brainwash Dylly into liking football early in life...

Football is serious business apparently!

Dylan is officially enjoying peek-a-boo, splashing in her bathtub, and playing the stand-up-sit-down game these days! She's even had a few chuckles this week, and they are so cute and I can't wait till they turn into full laughs! She didn't sleep as well last night, but she did want to sleep in her crib instead of her swing, and she slept 5.5 hours there. (She just didn't really sleep after that though.) Her less-than-ideal night's sleep made her a bit of a sleepy crab today, so we only had brief periods of happy with lots of fuss-pickle-ing and napping mixed in. Lets hope she sleeps well tonight (in spite of all her naps) and that we are back to our cheerful selves tomorrow!

The weekends go too fast - it is so lovely to have Daddy home and get to spend so much time with all 3 of us together. We are sad to have him go back to work!


  1. Have you taught Dylan your Derby Sportsmanship Lesson that "Winning really is more fun!"

    Spencer likes this football action :)

  2. LOL, I think that's a sportsmanship lesson I better keep to myself. ;) That would probably give me an "F" in Parenting 101!

    Tell Spencer he will have to come around and encourage some OSU loyalty too, so she's not TOO much of a Badger!


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