Sunday, January 22, 2012

Stroller Success (*knock on wood*)

"I scratched myself on the side of my nose today."

"It's very sad."

"But I can still play and have fun! I'm a tough baby!!" :)

"See my favorite toy over there?? I am THIS close to getting that yellow one figured out too..."

We had a fun & productive Sunday today. We met Derek, Kate, Jace, Jeslyn, & their newest addition - Jett (2.5 weeks old) Harden, Jennifer, Jeremy, Caleb, & Lauren Coakley, and Tom & Jess Steinbrink, at Panera in Lancaster for lunch. All of the many babies and kiddos were adorable as always, and it was great to get to meet Mr. Jett! He is adorable, and a clone of his big brother Jace. We hear Jett already sleeps 7 hours uninterrupted at night, so we are hoping he rubbed off on Dylan while we were all hanging out together. :) (Though I do need to give Dylan credit, she did sleep 6 hours & 45 minutes in a row last night - but not till after she was up twice between 11:45 pm - 3:15 am.) It was fun to see everyone and catch up, it's been too long since we all got together. Now that the holidays are over, hopefully we'll have more time to meet up once a month again.

After lunch, Chad, Dyl & I went mattress shopping. We were testing out Tempurpedic vs knock-off Tempurpedic vs Latex foam mattresses. I think we need to go to Columbus and try a wider variety of the Tempurpedic beds, and actually I'm a pretty big fan of the Latex foam beds too. So many options!

Then we went to Lowe's and bought insulation sleeves for our hot water heaters (you know you're old when that's part of your exciting Sunday. :)) And finally we went to the Lancaster mall and did some more strolling. Luckily Dyl seems to like the new stroller, unluckily the Lancaster mall is so boring I'm not even remotely tempted to go back and stroll there again. Maybe TJ Maxx or Target...

On a side note: I just finished the books "Oryx & Crake" and "The Year of the Flood" by Margaret Atwood, and I absolutely loved them. Now I'm reading a book called "Matched" which I like pretty well so far, but is definitely not to the standards of Atwood's novels. I'm on a real dystopian fiction kick at the moment, I love this genre!

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