Friday, December 30, 2011

A love letter

Dear Dylan,

I love everything about you. I love your big smiles. I love how serious you can be. I love all your coos & how you love to talk to us. I love the way you say "Gee!" when you're not a fan of whatever's happening, and the way you say "Voo" and "A-goo" when you're a happy critter.

I love your hands. You're starting to study them, and it is sooo cute. I love your adorable feeties and the way you were using them to kick your rubber duck & splash in the bath tub tonight. I love the shape of your eyes, the curve of your forehead, your chubby cheekers, your beautiful mouth, your adorable chin, your ears which are so soft I can't help but nibble on them, the little upturn of your nose, your golden brown eyelashes, your lip dimples, and every other teeny detail about your face. I love your soft, soft hair. I love your pudge - we work hard to make those rolls! I love your knuckle dimples, the soft nibbley spot at the back of your neck, your cutie pie belly button, and your kicky little legs. I love you head to toe.

I love the way you smell. I love your ornery personality. I love how smart you are already. I love that you love it when we read to you. I love that you love your baths. I love the way you're pulling your legs up SOOOO high and using them to kick things on your play gym & to wiggle all about. I love the way you're learning to grab blocks, rings, and my hand when they're in front of you. I love to watch you learn and grow.

I love the way you feel in my arms. I love to hold you while you sleep, or carry you around facing out and show you the world. I love it when you snuggle the nook between my shoulder and neck. I love to nurse you, and the way you like to hold on to me while you nurse. I love the birthmark on your finger. I love how soft your skin is.

I love everything about you, Dylan. Everything I've written here and so, so much more. I can't wait to watch you grow and to teach you things. Thank you for being wonderful, amazing you.



  1. She is one very loved baby! What adorable pictures of her!!!

  2. What a sweet, honest message to your baby girl - it truly shows a mother's love!


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