Thursday, February 2, 2012

Warning: this post contains an excessive number of cute photos

This picture almost perfectly captures the adorable orneriness that is our sweet Dylly-roo. As well as any picture can, anyway.

Telling us about how much she loves bath time, especially after taking a 'bath' in apple juice today. (Doctor's orders: 1 oz of apple juice in an attempt to encourage 'movement' for Dylan after 4 days with no such luck, if you catch my drift. Dylan refuses to take a bottle of any sort - I mean, who would want a bottle when you can have a delicious boob?? - so this posed a problem. We attempted syringe feeding it to her, which resulted in a fun game of Mommy-squirts-1/2-milliliter-in-and-Dylan-spits-1/2-milliliter-out 60 times in a row. Thus, a Dylly bath in apple juice!)(Wish us luck in the 'movement' department, or it's off to the doctor's tomorrow. :()

This is what Dylan thinks of bottles, apple juice, and trips to the doctor. She has one ferocious pout lip!

Her own personal rain cloud, haha. She's trying to drum up sympathy for an indoor pool in our house when we build some day, that way she never has to get out of the water!

But really, this is mostly what our baby looks like these days... a tongue-sticker-outer! Here she is sticking her tongue out for neck washing...

...during smiles...

...even more during smiles...

...even further for even funnier smiles...

...while trying to drink her bath water...

...while getting her hair washed...

...and while attempting to gnaw on her washcloth! ;) Such a silly girl! I keep threatening her that a little bird is going to come along and pee on her tongue, but I don't think she's taking my threats seriously...

Pruney Dylan feet - a frequent site on our bath-loving-baby.

Sad to be out of the tub.

But we convinced her to smile anyway - she is SO sweet! I just love her to bits!

Dylan & I got to go for yet ANOTHER walk on another 60 degree January day yesterday! It was lovely! We walked with Grandma & Grandpoppy out by Haley's cemetery. It was beautiful outside again today, but unfortunately we couldn't pull off 4 days in a row due to lack of sleep, lack of 'movement', and needing to go to work. Hopefully it will be beautiful outside again tomorrow, Dyl will 'move' ASAP, and we can avoid the doctor's and go for another walk. Wish us luck!

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