Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Fritzy kind of Saturday

A family picture in Fritzy Jacobs, my favorite baby store, this Saturday! (Courtesy of Aunt Katy.) Do you think we need to add this pink corduroy Bun-Bun to our family??

Dylan modeling a super awesome hot pink tutu we found at Fritzy's. I think this would be a good wardrobe building piece for her, don't you?

Dyl hanging out on Aunt Katy & Uncle Greg's new built in booth table. Chadmo and I wondering what we should have for lunch... Hmm...

Dylan is so sweet, we bet she'll be delicious! Yum! (This picture is for you, Aunt Kelly & Uncle Jesse, who always take the most fun pictures!)

We had a very fun Friday night & Saturday in Columbus. Dyl slept wonderfully at K&G's house, as she always does (we're thinking we should move in.) Saturday we went to Le Chatelaine for brunch, then to Fritzy Jacob's for adorableness shopping, to Pattycake Bakery (a vegan bakery where I had all kinds of choices to get my sweet tooth fix), to Macy's, to Aunt Kelly & Uncle Jesse's house for dinner & birthday fun for Jesse & his brother Chris, and then a group of 10 of us headed off to the OSU vs. Michigan State hockey game! Aunt Kelly won a drawing for a suite at this game, and invited us all up to enjoy the game and the awesome seats with her. It was really fun, and we all agree that the only way to watch sports is from a suite! Dylan was wonderful the whole time and thought the game, the people, and the lights were all fascinating. She and Daddy tried really hard to get on the dance cam, but no success. :( Those cameras don't know what they missed out on! Aunt Kelly took a lot of pictures from the game, and when she posts them on facebook, I will steal a few and post them on here.

We stayed at Katy & Greg's last night too, and Dylan slept wonderfully again! I really am thinking about moving in here, it's so heavenly to get to sleep through the night!

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