Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dear Ferber,

Your method sucks. Sincerely, Dylan (& Mommy)

Well, we tried Ferberizing poor Dyl last night, and I will never, ever, ever do that again. (See an explanation of the Ferber method here.) After 50 minutes of crying, Dylan was hysterical. She was drenched in sweat, shaking, and the final straw was when she was so upset she messed her pants. After that I got her up, changed her diaper, dried her off, snuggled her, calmed her down, and nursed her to sleep. Then I promised her I would never ever give in to peer pressure (particularly from people over 45, and some people my age) and try "Crying-It-Out" methods again. I guess I'd rather have her scream for 15 minutes in our arms to fall asleep, than put her through that stress. Though I really wish I could figure out some way to make her fall asleep without any screaming at all! But so far neither rocking, bouncing, walking, nursing, shushing, patting, or putting her in her swing have solved that problem. :/ Any non-CIO advice?

"Who, me? Put up a fuss about going to bed? Never!"

"I am far too sweet, adorable, and smoochable for that!"

***WARNING: Do not scroll down if you're afraid of seeing naked women in a bath tub***

Our first Mommy-Dylly bath - it was lots of fun! She loved the deeper water and the bigger tub which allowed for fancier bath tub toys. We had a fun time splashing together and practicing 'swimming' together for the beach this summer!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch. We tried to CIO with Orion and he would just get absolutely hysterical. After an hour, I gave up. I was tired of sitting outside his room sobbing myself! We tried it a couple of other times and no dice.

    I've also tried the pick up/put down method and no dice.

    Eventually? I just gave up. I adjusted his bed time to be later and he started sleeping much better. He goes to bed around 8:30 now and he wakes up once a night for a drink and a diaper change. Sometimes he doesn't do that at all! And he wakes up around 7. We snuggle to sleep and it doesn't take long at all.

    Good luck! I know nursing babies are rougher...I stopped nursing at 6 months and Orion's sleep habits slowly changed after that.

    We're not in our mother's generation where CIO was all about making your baby stronger. I'd rather not hear him cry!


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