Friday, February 17, 2012

4 (&1/2) month check-up

"Oh no, I see those ick fairy hooligans (yucky, mint-flavored reflux medicine) in Daddy's hand - I better stuff my washcloth in my mouth so he can't give them to me!" (Actually this is Dylan's favorite past time these days: chewing on her washcloth or burp cloth. Well, or her fingers of course.)

"I was such a brave girl for my 2nd round of shots today! I had to drink something yucky and get 3 shots, and I only cried for 2 minutes after the last shot! Then I nursed, calmed down, and napped in the van on the way home. Mommy said if I was older we would've gone shopping for a Bravery Award for that one!"

"But you listen here, Mommy, I'm pretty sure 2 rounds of shots is enough. No more shots, thank you very much." (Mommy wishes!)

"And no more armpit washing either. :( Hmpf."

This is what Dylan & I look like at least 10 times a day, and that's why she had such excellent growth at her wellness check today. :) Dylan now weighs 15 pounds 6 ounces (50th percentile), is 26.5 inches long (90th percentile), and her head is 20 inches in circumference (95th percentile). Good growing Dyl! Go team!

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