Sunday, February 12, 2012

The weekends go too fast

Poor Mimi. She is not an animal person, and this is what she finds in her bed at night when she wants to go to sleep. We have to do animal patrol and extract at least all the cats from her room before bedtime. Bianca has been sleeping on a big, luxurious dog bed in the room with her though - but she's not pesty at all (and stays on the floor) and Mimi doesn't mind sharing the room with her.

"What do you mean 'doesn't like cats'??" asks Forrest. "I make the best bed snuggler."

Dyl & Mommy - modeling Dyl's new 'ride'. I was paranoid to use slings in the infant position, but now that she can sit up like this, it's quite handy. We did lots of dinner prep this way tonight, and she almost fell asleep like that.

Snug as a bug in a rug. (Or a Roo in a rug, in Dyl's case.)

Playing in her bouncy chair after her dinner-time nap. We were making up rhymes for the animals that are hanging above her, along the lines of her 'Peekaboo Forrest' book. (Her favorite book. An example from the book: Who eats acorns under the moon? Peekaboo! It's the raccoon!) Our additions: Who eats grubs under a log? Peekaboo! It's the hedgehog! and Who chews fingers in her bouncy chair? Peekaboo! It's a Dylly-Bear!

I'm so glad Dyl has gotten to spend so much time with Mimi this week. She really loves Mimi already and will smile for her when she won't smile for anyone else. (And she laughs for her too!) I want Dylan to love my Grandma as much as I do.

Farrah-bean, caught licking her chops. She's still the best pet with babies, she lets Dylan pet her and she licks Dylan's hands. They like to check each other out.

The pets must have noticed that we think it's cute when Dyl sticks out her tongue, and figured they better play along so they can get some attention too. ;) Poor, neglected puppies & kitties.

I can't believe my oldest child will be 9 years old in 2 days, I feel old! I love you so much Ruby, I can hardly remember a time without you. I got her the weekend before finals my freshman year of college. She's been through almost all of undergrad with me, all of vet school, meeting Chad, getting married, she's lived in 5.5 different houses, and she's had 7 younger siblings. She's one wonderful dog, and she better live at least another 9 years!

Bianca - 6.5 years old - she really is a wonderful dog too. And I do truly love her & those crazy eyebrows.

Tucker-momo - 4.5 years old. He's the only boy dog & the youngest dog, so of course he's extra spoiled. But we do love our little beggar boy, even if he is rotten! :)

I can't believe tomorrow is Monday already. This weekend flew by in a blur of productivity. We are sad that Mimi is heading back to Wooster tomorrow, but we really had a fun visit with her and we appreciate all her help so much. Next it will be our turn to go to Wooster & visit her! :)

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