Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

Miss Dyl - sticking out her tongue in protest of having her picture taken yet again! ;)

"Hey Poppers, I see you over there."

"Mommy, should I go get those Poppers and play with them? Yes? I think so too."

"Alright, here I go..."

"... I'm on my way..."

"Whee! I'm over! Rats. Well, they're a little bit above my head - but I bet you'll push them down here for me!" :)

Happy Leap Year to everyone! We had a fun day today, with an extra wonderful 3.5 hour nap this morning (Dyl & I both slept the whole time - LOVELY!) Let's hope it wasn't just a February 29th fluke and it works itself into being a part of our every day! :) (A Mommy can dream, right?)

1 comment:

  1. These are wonderful pictures! She is gorgeous in every single way!


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