Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Birthday, Ruby! Happy Valentine's Day, all!

Happy 9th Birthday to my sweet, sweet Ruby, who's always been there when I needed a snuggle...

...who's been there for all the biggest adventures of my life...

...who's helped me figure out which way to go, and always led me in the right direction...

...and who helped me marry the love of my life and then proudly walked us down the aisle to show us off. You're the best dog anyone could ever ask for Ruby - we love you!

The Valentine's Day Apple Pie that Dyl, Grandpoppy, & I made today. It was most delicious, if I do say so myself!

My Valentines!

Aren't they the cutest? I'm a lucky girl. :)

Valentine's Day dinner - the first time we've had something other than North Market raviolis in years. It was very tasty, but I think next year (when we're back to dairy, hopefully) we'll have to go back to our old tradition. :)

Dylly being a good girl in her bouncy seat while we were eating our dinner.

"Mmm, Mmm Mommy - that dinner was finger-licking good!" (It will be fun when she can eat with us!)

Cards & flowers - I bet you can guess who got the most cards! :)

Stripping Miss Dyl down for her bath - goodness, gracious I love this little ornery girl! She's the best Valentine's Day present anyone could ask for! (Please excuse the fact that I am never wearing anything except pajamas when I'm at home - there's too much pet hair here for regular clothes. Plus, who wouldn't rather wear pajama pants all the time if nobody is going to be seeing you anyway? It just makes for poor photo-ops!)

"Who, me? Ornery??"


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