Friday, February 10, 2012

Copy Cat

I can't come up with nearly as cute of captions as I did for Dyl's photo shoot with Mimi last night, I think I'm too sleepy. I know this is just a copy cat of last night's series, but Grandma was here tonight and took these. I don't love this first picture of me, but it was too cute of Dyl not to post it.

I think this one looks like she's saying: "Stop it - you're making me blush!"

Grandma says this one looks like Dyl's had a little bit too much of Uncle Greg's homemade prison hooch! (Ha ha!)

Hi there, pretty baby. Do you know how much your mommy loves you? Sooooo much.

Blowing raspberries at me - she loves her new skill. I've never liked having someone spit all over my face so much! ;) It's amazing what you think is wonderful when it's your baby doing it!

My new favorite picture of the two of us. (Why on earth does this blog get possessed and underline things sometimes??)

We haven't been sleeping very well this week - so I apologize for my lack of creative writing. My brain feels like it's wrapped in a wool blanket! So I think I'll just quit while I'm ahead & say good night - sleep well, all!

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