Friday, February 24, 2012

She's a Pro!

Dylan's a pro at rolling from front to back now! (At least so long as she's not too sleepy for tummy time.) I can't believe how fast she's growing!

Too bad she's not a pro at sleeping too! I'm bushed, and my cold is unfortunately worse. Here's hoping I can get a good night's sleep tonight since Chad can pull night time baby duties, and that I feel world's better tomorrow. I miss being able to breathe!

Dyl's been a happy girl today - lots of 'standing up', exersaucering, rolling over, and peek-a-booing. Chadmo came home at 1:30 or so today because I was feeling so sick & sleep deprived that I just was feeling like I couldn't do it anymore. He played with Dyl while I had some quality time on the couch in front of the TV - I can't remember the last time I laid around so much! I don't know how single parents do it...

Alright, off to bed with this girl. Wish us luck in getting some sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Drew got a kick out of this video. He kept smiling and saying, "Awww, Dylan. Let's watch it again!"


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