Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mommy, can we keep her??

"But I don't want to go to bed, Mimi. I want to stay up and play with you."

"I know, you'll be here when I wake up, but still!"

"You're just so much fun! And I love you so many bunches."

"You make me smile all the time!"

"And we blow raspberries at one another, and make funny faces together!"

"Mommy, can we keep Mimi? Pretty please?? I really love her!"

Once again, Chadmo is trying to trick Mimi into moving in until Dylan is 1. Dylan and I both think that sounds like a wonderful plan! She has a real knack with babies, and Dylan just thinks she is great. (And of course, Chad & I do too. :)) My days at home just fly by with Mimi to keep us company. Today Oldemor (Great Grandma Stevelt), Grandma, and Grandpoppy all stopped by at various times to visit too - our house was a happening place today! Poor Grandma is sick again, and now Grandpoppy has a cold too. So they're only allowed to step in the door, not touch anything (including Dylan), and try not to breathe on anything. We are hoping they both get well ASAP - boo on cold & flu season. Hopefully Mimi, Chadmo, Dyl & I can avoid their germs. Wish us luck!


  1. This series of pictures and captions is adorably cute!

  2. These are great! Love your blogs.:) Tell Mimi I said hi.


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