Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Sorry for not blogging yesterday - the internet wasn't working, how rude! (Now all I can think of is Stephanie from Full House...) In any case - wonderful news: WE'RE HOME! They repeated Haley's echo yesterday after a night without Milrinone and wonderfully her heart function was even improved from the day before! Now that's the kind of news we like to hear! The cardiologist on that day told me she is one of the most conservative docs and that she was desperately looking for a reason to keep us since we'd only been in C5 for such a short period of time, but that she couldn't think of a single reason to keep us - so did we want to go home? Yes, please!
Haley was eating fabulously in the hospital but has slacked off a little since we've been home. She's been very sleepy, I think she's finally able to relax and is thus sleeping a lot and making up for being endlessly pestered in the hospital. Hopefully she'll catch up on her sleep and then start to eat better again. We have to go back in to clinic for a recheck on Monday and I don't want them harassing me about her eating.
She has a new trick that I'm not overly fond of since her surgery - when she gets very upset she turns a sort of bluey-purple color. She was doing that while we were in the hospital and they said it's common in heart kids. But she never did it before, and it definitely takes some getting used to. I rationalize it by telling myself that since they made the hole in her heart bigger she now has more mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Before when the hole was smaller it forced more of the purely oxygenated blood through her small left side and out to her body directly. Unfortunately that was putting too much strain on her heart.
One great thing about the surgery, I really do think she feels better now than before because she smiles ALL the time now that she feels well again! It's so much fun, and she's her active, kicking, playing self again.

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