Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fuss, Fuss

Momo loves the new dog bed...

Haley zonked out on Daddy's shoulder...

Our Christmas tree! (And Haley's penguin balloon from the hospital!)

Poor Haley-bug has been pretty fussy since we've come home. I was hoping she was just needing to catch up on sleep yesterday, but she slept a lot and she's still fussy today. We're supposed to call the cardiologist if she's fussier than normal (or sleep more or less than normal, or eats more or less than normal, or sneezes wrong, or looks cross-eyed...) so we did. Since she's still eating well, sleeping well, and can be consoled he said to just keep an eye on it and he'd talk to Haley's cardiologist tomorrow. Hopefully she'll be better tomorrow, but then she has to get her next RSV shot tomorrow so that will probably make her fussy if she wouldn't have been otherwise. Hopefully we're getting all this ickiness out of the way before Christmas and she can be done with shots, doctors, and fussiness for the holidays! I feel so bad for her when she's snarky, I just wish I knew what she wanted so I could make it better. She's asleep in Chadmo's arms as I type, so hopefully she'll sleep well tonight and wake up tomorrow a cheerful girl! I can't believe it's only 8 days till Christmas!

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