Monday, December 28, 2009

Sunday Funday

Haley-bug loves being naked these days - so long as it doesn't involve sneakily weighing her or giving her a bath - she's such a cutie pie! Though it makes me nervous to have a short, bossy, nudist baby - lets hope that doesn't continue into the teenage years!

Our sleepy angel. <3 <3 <3
We had a very nice Sunday today! Haley's been a very good girl: happy, playful, napping well, and eating well. I went to see "The Princess and the Frog" with the Klingelhafer girl crew this afternoon and I thought it was really cute though pretty scary for little kids. This evening Chad and I went to a get together at the Dickersons' while Grandma and Grandpoppy babysat Haley. We had a good time and got to see lots of old friends we hadn't seen in a long time, and meet a couple new babies! Tonight Grandpoppy, Chadmo, Haley, and I watched "(500) Days of Summer" which I absolutely loved and would highly recommend. It starts off a little slow but ends strong, so stick with it because it's worth it. Hope everyone's had a great weekend! We've had a very nice and relaxing one. :)

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