Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cookie Making Day

The scene at Grandma and Grandpoppy's today: Daddy holding Haley next to the Christmas tree while it snowed and snowed outside. I wish every day was like this.

Haley's name made out of klejiner:

Haley-bug has grown in to a whole new wardrobe which is too much fun! Here she's wearing an outfit I just love from Great Aunt Nancy, who shares Haley's birthday!

We're staying at Grandma & Grandpoppy's this weekend, so that we could have a Christmas cookie making weekend! Last night Haley-bug and I stayed up and had a party until 3 am, she is really a night owl, she must've been too excited for cookie making day... Then she slept in till 12 pm (she woke up once to eat around 7 am), and I slept in till 12:30! While I was being a slacker and sleeping in, Mom/Grandma made a batch of Thumbprints - yum! Then we made a double batch of klejiner, a Danish Christmas cookie you roll out, cut, fold, and then deep fry. With the last little bits of dough I made the letters for Haley's name and a heart (see picture). :) Then we also made a batch of pepernodder, another Danish Christmas cookie. Throughout last night and today we got about 6 inches of snow. It's just beautiful here right now and it made the day feel very Christmas-y. I hope it can last/snow some more so we can have a white Christmas! Or better yet, snow a lot so all the schools and businesses close and everyone can just stay home with Haley and me all week! (And we can skip our doctor's appointment!) :)
Haley was definitely feeling a little better today. Instead of being fussy and upset all day with brief periods of happiness, she was mostly happy all day with fairly frequent fussy episodes. She sounds really painful during these episodes, which makes me feel extra bad for her. Hopefully it's the Prevacid that's helping and will continue to help. It seems to me our cute little Bug deserves a break from all things ouchy!
6 more days till Christmas!


  1. I absolutely love the first picture! Certainly one for the baby book!

    We recently visited a replica Danish village named SOLVANG. I thought of you! We brought home a bucket of amazing cookies!

    I am so glad to hear that she isn't as fussy! Three month olds are hard work! It must be extra hard with the "I just had surgery" grumpies and the "normal" grumpies on top of that.

    I look forward to the daily Haley. I'm glad you keep it going!

  2. What a wonderful picutre from your parents! I wish every day were that cozy and Christmasy also :)

    Have fun with Haley this week - Can't believe Christmas is so close!!


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