Monday, December 28, 2009

Pajama Mondayl

Chadmo, Haley, and I had a wonderfully relaxing day today, in fact I don't think any of us ever got out of our pajamas! (Though Haley did have a couple of outfit changes today, due to a sudden string a of leaky diapers *grrr*.) For the second day in a row Haley took 2 naps in her crib, about an hour each, which is wonderful! I hope she keeps it up! She slept well last night too: 2:30 am - 7:30 am then right back to sleep and slept till noon! She's been happy, playing, and eating okay today. She's really getting good at holding her head up and controlling her hands. She's a pro at grabbing rings and pulling things towards herself, and at batting things. She still hates tummy time, so hopefully we're working on her core strength in her bumbo chair, her exersaucer, and 'sitting up' with us. Tonight we all watched "Julie & Julia" with Grandma and Grandpoppy and it was really enjoyable - a very cute movie. Haley-bug played on the couch the whole time and was really as good as gold.
It's been so nice to have Chadmo and Grandma home with us all day! We love Christmas break and wish it could last forever! After New Year's though it will be back to the real world, and actually Grandma is going to babysit Haley Tuesday and Thursday afternoons so I can go back to work a little bit. I think it will be good for me to get out of the house a little, I hope I'm right!

1 comment:

  1. I want to see "Julie & Julia"! I'm reading "My Life in Paris" right now.

    I am happy to hear that Haley is doing well! Sophia hated tummy time too. I was worried that because she hated it so much and never had any tummy time (I gave up after a while) that she would be slower at reaching some milestones (sitting up, crawling, ect) but she did everything early or on time. She is taking steps already at 9 months. I've read most babies walk at 12 months or later.

    I love the photo. Look at those cheeks! AHHH. I can't take it.

    Happy new year!


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