Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mimi's here!

Well, today was a sleepy day for Miss Haley-bug. Instead of our normal eat-every-hour routine, she kept napping and then eating every 3 hours or so - I have to admit it was a nice change! Though I would've liked to have her awake and happy a little bit more, it was nice to be feeding her less frequently. With the less frequent feeds she never takes in quite as much volume overall, but she did pretty well for herself today really.
The exciting part of our day was that Mimi (Great-Grandma McMillan) arrived and is staying with us until Tuesday! I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed with all the things that need to be done around here (unpacking, bills, bills, bills, getting ready for Christmas, insurance, insurance, insurance, cleaning, trying to figure out a different school loan repayment plan, dealing with the Columbus house which hasn't sold yet, etc) since most of the time I have about half an hour a day in which to accomplish something! It will be a huge relief to have her here to sit with Haley so I can catch up on a lot of these things. She's also going to accompany us to the doctor's on Monday, she and Great-Grandma Stevelt are taking turns going up with us. It will be fun to have her for company this week, and a big help to me as well. Chad has requested she live with us until Haley turns 1, haha.
On a more random note, Haley wore her new pink penguin covered union suit and we watched the movie "Happy Feet" today. It was very cute and enjoyable! Grandpoppy watched the end of it with us and I think he enjoyed it too. You really can't go wrong with Disney Pixar movies - I guess I'm still a kid at heart!


  1. Grandmas are wonderful! She has grown so much--and is way too cute. Almost 3 months old already right? :)

  2. Yes they are, and thank you very much! :) Yep, she will be 3 months old on the 10th - I can't believe it! Time flies!


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