Tuesday, December 8, 2009

One day at a time

So I had a hard time deciding which picture was cutest today, so you get 4 even though 3 of them are very similar! But all her different faces are too cute!

"Oh Mimi, you're so funny!"

"Well, I'm not really sure that I do want socks for Christmas..."

"No, I don't want socks, I want a pony!"

"Why yes, I am the cutest baby ever, in fact."

Well, Children's Hospital called late this morning and told us we need to be there at 10:30 am tomorrow and that they will do Haley's procedure at 12:30 pm. They told us to expect the procedure to last between 2.5 to 5 hours. They're going to do the catheterization but not the stage 2, which I have to admit I was relieved to hear. Somehow I just feel like I need to have more time to mentally prepare for that than 48 hours. During the catheterization they will be re-enlarging the hole between her atria, and they may also be re-expanding the stent they placed in her PDA as yesterday's echo showed that the pressures may be increasing in there too. Apparently her body is very good at healing itself, a little too good! Unfortunately with such short notice we don't have time to donate blood for her, but hopefully we will for the next time.

I will try to keep updating the 'Daily Haley' while we're in the hospital but we'll see. There probably won't be as many pictures, and I may not get to it tomorrow, but I will try to to at least let everyone know she's through surgery, etc. All for now.


  1. Give Haley kisses for us - we'll be thinking about you guys and praying for you. Please call if you need food or anything at all!

  2. Good luck tomorrow Haley!! Of course we all know you don't need any luck because you are super-girl but we wanted to let you know that we are all thinking of you ALL OF THE TIME! Can't wait to hear that you are home with that gorgeous smile on your face!

    Emily, Derek, Tessa, and Nolan


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