Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve!

Haley's first time dancing around the Christmas tree (a Christmas eve tradition), Aunt Kelly is holding her!

Mommy & Daddy dancing around the Christmas tree!

Grandpoppy, Aunt Kelly, and Daddy dancing some more!

Grandpoppy, Haley-bug, and Grandma! :)
It's been a wonderful, wonderful Christmas. We do our big feast and present opening on Christmas eve (though this is probably the last year of present opening the night before - next year we will most likely switch back to Christmas morning for Haley-bug's sake!), and we are having a truly blessed Christmas once again. Of course the best present of all is having Haley-bug at home with us! We hope you're all having very Merry Christmases and Happy Holidays too - wish we could celebrate with all of you!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you've all had a wonderful Christmas! Can't wait to see you all this week.



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